i'm trying to track buys and sells from 1 token on the solana chain. But i don't get it properly done to receive every buy and every sell from this token, and get the correct amount of tokens that have been bought or sold. I receive in the console sometimes the correct amount . But also allot of times there was a buy or sell but the code didn't track it.

this is the code i have, i hope i can get some help.

const solanaweb3 = require('@solana/web3.js');

const searchAddress = 'The token contract address';
const endpoint = 'https://api.mainnet-beta.solana.com'; // https://api.devnet.solana.com or https://api.mainnet-beta.solana.com
const solanaConnection = new solanaweb3.Connection(endpoint);
const processedSignatures = new Set(); // Set to store processed signatures

const getTransactions = async (address, numTx) => {
    const pubKey = new solanaweb3.PublicKey(address);
    while (true) {
        try {
            let transactionList = await solanaConnection.getSignaturesForAddress(pubKey, { limit: numTx });

            let signatureList = transactionList.map(transaction => transaction.signature);
            let transactionDetails = await solanaConnection.getParsedTransactions(signatureList, { maxSupportedTransactionVersion: 0 });

            for (let i = 0; i < transactionList.length; i++) {
                const transaction = transactionList[i];
                const signature = transaction.signature;

                // Check if the signature has already been processed
                if (processedSignatures.has(signature)) {
                    console.log(`Signature ${signature} has already been processed. Skipping.`);
                    continue; // Skip processing this transaction

                // Mark the signature as processed

                const date = new Date(transaction.blockTime * 1000);
                const Transactions = transactionDetails[i];
                const transactionInstructions = Transactions.transaction.message.instructions;
                //console.log('metadata:', Transactions.meta)
                //console.log('Transactions:', Transactions.meta.preTokenBalances);
                console.log(`Transaction No: ${i + 1}`);
                console.log(`Signature: ${signature}`);
                console.log(`Time: ${date}`);
                console.log(`Status: ${transaction.confirmationStatus}`);

                // Find the token balances before and after the transaction
                const preBalance = Transactions.meta.preTokenBalances.find(balance => balance.mint === searchAddress);
                const postBalance = Transactions.meta.postTokenBalances.find(balance => balance.mint === searchAddress);

                if (preBalance && postBalance) {
                    // Calculate the difference in token balance
                    const Diff = postBalance.uiTokenAmount.uiAmount - preBalance.uiTokenAmount.uiAmount;

                    console.log(` tokens bought/sold: ${Math.abs(Diff)}`);
                    console.log(` tokens bought: ${Diff > 0 ? Diff : 0}`);
                    console.log(` tokens sold: ${Diff < 0 ? Math.abs(Diff) : 0}`);
                } else {
                    console.log(' token balance not found in transaction metadata.');

                // Check if the transaction is successful
                const isSuccess = transaction.confirmationStatus === 'confirmed';
                // Check if the transaction has an instruction error
                if (Transactions.meta && Transactions.meta.err) {
                    const instructionError = Transactions.meta.err;
                    console.log(`Transaction ${signature} encountered an instruction error:`, instructionError);
                if (isSuccess) {
                    // Transaction is successful
                    console.log(`Transaction ${signature} is successful.`);
                } else {
                    // Transaction is failed or not yet finalized
                    console.log(`Transaction ${signature} has not been confirmed or has failed.`);

                // Search for the first occurrence of the mint address with non-zero amount
                const foundInstruction = Transactions.meta.preTokenBalances.find(instruction => {
                    return instruction.mint === searchAddress && instruction.uiTokenAmount.uiAmountString !== '0';
                if (foundInstruction) {
                    console.log('Found first instruction with non-zero amount for mint address:', searchAddress);
                    console.log('uiAmountString:', foundInstruction.uiTokenAmount.uiAmountString);
                    break; // Stop searching after finding the first occurrence
                } else {
                    console.log(`No non-zero amount found for mint address: ${searchAddress}`);

        } catch (error) {
            console.error('Error occurred:', error);
        await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 15000)); // Wait for 15 seconds before fetching transactions again

getTransactions(searchAddress, 1);

1 Answer 1


It looks like you are using the public RPC endpoint. This one is heavily rate limited. So since you are sometimes getting the correct result you can probably fixing it by using a payed RPC node.

For example from Helius, Triton, Quicknode, Alchemy, HelloMoon or any of the other RPC providers.

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