I have a program that use to store configuration, as show bellow.

All work well except that, 'set_fee' function throw error:

> Program logged: "Instruction: SetFee"
> Program logged: "Error: memory allocation failed, out of memory"
> Program consumed: 1796 of 200000 compute units
> Program returned error: "SBF program panicked"

Can someone spot out where I have possibly done wrong?

pub mod MyConf {

    use super::*;

    pub fn add_domain(ctx: Context<DomainAdd>, domain: u32, name: String ) -> Result<()> {
        // ...
            let domain_account: &mut Account<'_, DomainData> = &mut ctx.accounts.domain_account;
            domain_account.name = name;            

    pub fn get_domain(ctx: Context<DomainGet>, domain: u32) -> Result<String> {
        let _domain_account: & Account<'_, DomainData> = & ctx.accounts.domain_account;
        // Ok(_domain_account.name)       // TODO: This also a issue that I unable to let it compile. It complains "cannot move out of dereference of"

    pub fn set_fee(ctx: Context<FeeSet>, fee: u64,  name: String ) -> Result<()> {  // <== THIS failed! Error: "memory allocation failed, out of memory"
        msg!("admin_board::set fee to {} for user: {}", fee, name);
        msg!("admin_board::set_fee() ctx.accounts.admin is: {:?}", ctx.accounts.admin.key());
        require!(ctx.accounts.admin_roles_account.admins.contains(ctx.accounts.admin.key), Errors::NotAnOwner);

        let fee_account: &mut Account<'_, FeeData> = &mut ctx.accounts.fee_account;
        fee_account.fee = fee;  

    pub fn get_fee(ctx: Context<FeeGet>, domain: u32, name: String ) -> Result<u64> {
        let fee_account : &Account<'_, FeeData>  = &ctx.accounts.fee_account;    
        msg!("admin_board::get_fee() return fee value: {}", fee_account.fee);    



 // ===========================  Account and Data Struct Begin ======================

#[instruction(name: String)]
pub struct FeeSet<'info> {
    #[account(mut)]  // mut is must in order to pay init gas fee
    pub admin: Signer<'info>,

        space = 8 + FeeData::INIT_SPACE + 8,  // This is slightly more space than FeeData struct actually need.
        payer = admin,
        seeds=[ b"FeeData", name.as_bytes().as_ref()],
    pub fee_account: Account<'info, FeeData>,

        seeds = [ b"admin_roles"], // ensure no other fake PDA can call this function
    pub admin_roles_account: Account<'info, AdminRoleSet>,  

    pub system_program: Program<'info, System>,  

#[instruction(domain: u32, name: String)]
pub struct FeeGet<'info> {
        constraint = name == domain_account.name, 
        seeds=[ b"DomainData", domain.to_le_bytes().as_ref()],
    pub domain_account: Account<'info, DomainData>,
        seeds=[ b"FeeData", name.as_bytes().as_ref()],
    pub fee_account: Account<'info, FeeData>,

pub struct DomainData {
    pub name: String, // 4 bytes + 256 bytes    

pub struct FeeData {
    pub fee: u64,

pub struct AdminRoleSet {
    admins: [Pubkey;3], // 32 bytes * N 

1 Answer 1


after second round browse on this forum, I found this post memory allocation failed, out of memory. When using dynamic seed in anchor share a common issue with me.

Also, I watch bellow statement from one post:

You can access the instruction's arguments with the #[instruction(..)] attribute. You have to list them in the same order as in the instruction but you can omit all arguments after the last one you need.

So, for my issue, just change set_fee parameter order, let it be ctx: Context<FeeSet>, name: String,fee: u64, then problem solved.

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