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run across an verify interesting account on browser, how to the holder spend it?

I run into a account on the browser. From ...
breeze wang's user avatar
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Need help in importing wallets to my phone

I have 3 wallets that are currently on my browser(2 old 1 new). I imported them on my phone but the other wallet (new one) shows as "you are watching this account" which means I can not use ...
Josh's user avatar
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Phantom wallet chrome extension recovery using seed phrase

I upgraded my chrome and lost my phantom wallet chrome extension. I downloaded again on the new Chrome and imported my Solana wallet using the recovery seed phrase. When the phantom wallet loaded my ...
user29744's user avatar
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Error creating new account using mint

While trying to create new accounts I am having issues. Could be accounts cannot be created after disabling mint. spl-token create-account mntZFtv8SvH6trqeSwvTGPVSXXXXXXXXX --owner reserve.json Error:...
Dom's user avatar
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how to close an account

I deposited solana on marginfi and I was charged 0.016 solana for creating an account HXnCRyaNnitnL3Vrie2vHXm2RgCciBfp9inW4k11RG4y. question! can I close this account and get this currency back? and ...
Andres's user avatar
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"input token account not found" when trying to sell/swap tokens to SOL

Heyhey! I'm currently writing a tool that lets me buy/sell/swap Tokens on the Solana blockchain. Buying (swapping SOL for any Token) "seems" to work, I get the Tokens into my wallet and the ...
DungeonCrawler's user avatar
2 votes
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Can Other Programs Write to PDA Accounts even if the `Account` type is used and the ownership is checked?

Question: Ownership and Write Permissions for PDA Accounts in Solana Programs I’ve been exploring how the #[account] macro in the Anchor framework interacts with the ownership model of PDA accounts, ...
castle_chain's user avatar
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Why can’t I do any type of transaction with my Solana?

I use Coinbase and I can see my Solana balance there but I can’t trade, sell, bridge or do anything with it. I’m new to this world so any advice would be helpful. It reads that my Solana is on the ...
April Ayres's user avatar
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InstructionError(3 , IncorrectProgramId): swap transactions weird error

I have been encountering this error when trying to create swap transactions on, anyone knows how to fix or why its happening? And the strangest thing is that, strangely, sometimes it happens ...
Martim Martins's user avatar
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How can i close wsol account

How do I close my wsol account when I have fully redeemed in the Wallet app but still have a little
Assholes's user avatar
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How can a signer's key be missing from an account?

From my understanding, each account needs to be signed in by its creator when its initialized. Then, can the signer key be ever missing? And is it a good practice to verify if an account is signed to ...
krokodyl's user avatar
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What if the rent exemption price goes up?

Given that new Solana accounts must be credited - at creation time - with enough SOL to be "rent-exempt", the balance of an account isn't allowed to go below its corresponding minimum "...
Iaroslav's user avatar
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Must the nested-instructions's accounts be passed in, as well?

Does the accounts field of a program's Instruction include just the accounts the instruction needs/touches directly - or those that are required by the nested instructions called by it, as well? It ...
Iaroslav's user avatar
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Sending SOL to Coinbase error

I am having issues sending my Solana to my Coinbase wallet from Phantom. I am getting an error message. Please explain to me how to proceed.
Langdon Hews's user avatar
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how to get an token account's Mint address on chain?

In my anchor program, I declare a uncheck account that will check by code inside instruction function /// CHECK: do check inside function. #[account(mut)] pub user_ata: UncheckedAccount&...
breeze wang's user avatar
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Easiest way to query YTD account balances

I wanted to ask what the easiest way to query daily balances (non native token) of specific addresses on Solana backdating to the beginning of this year. It doesn't look like there are endpoints where ...
Jeffrey Chan's user avatar
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how can anchor program A read account data from anchor program B with #account macro way?

My anchor program "A", expect to use data from a anchor program name "B". Let's say program_b (which I don't have code, just know it's address) has declare PDA account data struct: ...
breeze wang's user avatar
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Didn't move my Solana during the ieo before website shut down I lost access to my purchase

About 2 years ago. I don't know there was an IEO and I was invited. I took $1,500 money US dollars and bought Solana and I used all of it to buy Solana and I wasn't aware that the website was going to ...
Robert Norman's user avatar
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What I am missing after creating private rpc Solana node

I create rpc Solana on dedicate server from edgevana. I use my rpc endpoints in trade bot when I use heluis https and wss the bot run and start , when I use my https and wss the bot exit and get error ...
Mohamed Elfayoumy's user avatar
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Why my Option account is required when invoke from js client?

all. I am trying to use Option account in a demo, where, token related accounts are optional, when not provided, it will transfer SOL from my contract to user, other wise transfer SPL token to user. #...
breeze wang's user avatar
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will it fail if the program tried to create an account with the same seeds multiple times , although the bump exists ? using anchor

#[account( init, seeds = [ AMM_CONFIG_SEED.as_bytes() ], bump, payer = admin, space = 8 + AmmConfig::INIT_SPACE, )] pub amm_config: ...
FCT's user avatar
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Can not use account after allocate the space

i'm new to solana. When i do allocate 100 byte from the docs on my account like this: let allocateTransaction = new Transaction({ feePayer: senderKeypair.publicKey, }); allocateTransaction....
newbie_solana's user avatar
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Can I use anchor address constraint with dynamic value from state

Here is the example of how address constraint is implemented, but the address is CONSTANT I want to be able to change the authority who signs the ...
Nazar Havryliuk's user avatar
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Why can't I send out my solana from phantom

When I attempt to do so it says something along the lines of unable to send or failed also transaction failed during simulation My wallet is EYsJVQU5igQNaNMptsyL2A6h6QWso34MYxTriAkdQqWj I am not sure ...
asset's user avatar
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WordPress website Phantom wallet, user account creation plus payment

I’m creating a website specifically WordPress. I need to know if there is a plug-in or some type of code etc. I want users to come to my website and create account using a Phantom wallet. Also, I want ...
Anthony's user avatar
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Transfer SOL out of PDA owned wallet account

Basically I'm trying to figure out to transfer SOL out of a wallet account which is owned by a PDA. the PDA is in turn owned by my program. I've tried invoke_signed, my seeds are all correct, and I ...
xxxdropoutxxx's user avatar
3 votes
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How to create shard accounts to manage "unlimited" account size

Since there is a limitation inside Solana transactions (1kb), and Solana account (1Mb), I'm not able to create a huge account ^^ Someone suggests me to open a new question: Handle big vector ...
GoT's user avatar
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Handle big vector containing ton of structs

I'm looking for a way to handle a big struct. I want to understand how to create an account storing more than 10_000 structs inside is possible. Is there a simple way to do it? Or should I have to ...
GoT's user avatar
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My stacked solana is taking too much time to unstake please anyone guide

My staked solana is nit getting unstake iam new in this field please anyone help
Malik Musyyab's user avatar
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My account has become a Token Account, how can I solve it?

My account that I used commonly had some solanas which I left untouched for a while, now I tried to move my solanas again and it gives me an error and it doesn't allow me to make any transaction or ...
jeo's user avatar
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Funding Unfunded Account using Smart Contract

I am searching a way to fund a account using smart conttact, that work fine if the receiver is already done some transactions. This is failing if there is no transactions done on the account. How can ...
SKS's user avatar
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Freeze Authority ? It says my account is frozen

Instruction #3 Failed - Account is frozen
user19282's user avatar
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During the registration in the Delegation Program, I mistakenly chose the business account type

During registration in the Delegation Program, I mistakenly chose to register a business account, but I am an individual, please help me with changing the account type to an individual
Евгений Конюхов's user avatar
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Pay for PDA by a centralized wallet

I'm trying to build an app that will hold a user's wallet private key to sign for transactions and pay for the account from a centralized wallet that I own. I'm trying to avoid them having to approve ...
Christopher Nolan Buckley's user avatar
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"failed: An account required by the instruction is missing" transfer within contract

This is the entire source code of the smart contract use solana_program::{ account_info::{next_account_info, AccountInfo}, entrypoint, entrypoint::ProgramResult, msg, program_error:...
Odette Taylor's user avatar
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Pump.Fun automatically buy or sell from multiple wallets

Im looking for a bot for python or other language that automatically buy using different wallets at the same time. How can I do that? Can someone help me? Thanks. :)
anooon user's user avatar
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How can I claim coins faster?

How can I claim coins faster? I want to claim tapsward coins faster. For this I should do task correctly. And I have to tap coin a lot.
Munis Toshboyeva's user avatar
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change stake account withdraw auth where the auth is the account address it self

for development purposes i did the following: created stake account change its withdraw auth to the account address now i am trying to figure how i can change the withdraw auth back to wallet owner ...
Avaulto's user avatar
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Account creation on Solana

Suppose I have a PDA address that hasn't been initialized yet and I send SOL to it, Am I correct in assuming that this account will exist? Who will have control over this account? Will it still be by ...
Jimii's user avatar
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Avoid unnecessary account generation

For context, I am trying to implement a contract I have on solidity to solana. On solidity, I have a function like this, which writes data to state based on a condition. function handleMessage(bytes ...
woodland's user avatar
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import * as dotenv from 'dotenv'; dotenv.config(); import { getKeypairFromEnvironment } from '@solana-developers/helpers'; const keypair = getKeypairFromEnvironment("SECRET_KEY"); console....
Kabin Giri's user avatar
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Mutate account data of a program by another program

I have a sender program, and a receiver program. What I want to do is, sender program has a account, data_account. I want sender program to call modify_data of receiver program, which in turn mutates ...
woodland's user avatar
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How do I allow two different signers to modify data in a PDA?

I'm trying to understand PDAs and ultimately want to be able to have a game where two different players (each with their own wallet) can modify the game state individually (i.e. one signer). For this ...
0xwtf's user avatar
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How to get LP total Supply and LP Burn, i have lp not burn

using the solana/web3.js , spl and sdk raydium libraries. in typescript I can get the remaining lp mint by getAccountInfo but I can't find what to do for the total and I don't want to use rugcheck ...
Gizmo's user avatar
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What exactly are `Interface<'info, T>` and `InterfaceAccount<'info, T>`

InterfaceAccount<'info, T> and Interface<'info, T> and Anchor accounts types Would love to know more about them, where I should use them and what differentiates the two.
Jimii's user avatar
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Looking to replicate Step.Finance DeFi aggregation, but can't find the right commands

I'm writing a little Node.js tool to see my balances across the Solana universe, but have only found ways to see the balances in my actual wallet (getParsedAccountInfo, getParsedTokenAccountsByOwner, ...
Ben's user avatar
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How to do account white listing using merkle tree on solana native rust program? Is it really possible to do whitelist account using merkle on solana?

I did this code But have doubt that it will not work as desired:- use borsh::{BorshDeserialize, BorshSerialize}; use merkletreers::tree::MerkleTree; use merkletreers::utils::hash_it; use ...
Aditya's user avatar
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Can’t recover wallet

I have recently attempted to reactivate my phantom account and I used my 12 recovery phrase words but it opened what looked like to me a different account as none of my crypto was there for me to see? ...
peteknowles79's user avatar
4 votes
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How to use realloc to increase account space in Anchor?

Lets say that I have the following account struct for my instruction: #[derive(Accounts)] pub struct IncreaseDataSize<'info> { #[account( mut, seeds = [signer.key().as_ref()],...
Matheus Baptistella's user avatar
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Who owns the private key of delegated Staked Accounts?

I see on account pages that most of them have isOnCurve false, but my delegated staked account has isOnCurve true. Does this mean someone has the private key of this account? Who? Usual ...
Unicornist's user avatar

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