I have initilized a PDA with 10000 bytes of space and a Vector on its stored data:
#[derive(Accounts, Clone)]
pub struct CreateVectorPda<'info> {
/// CHECK: Just testing
pub payer: Signer<'info>,
/// CHECK: Just testing
pub rent: Sysvar<'info, Rent>,
pub system_program: Program<'info, System>,
#[account(init, payer=payer, space = 10000 , seeds = [b"seeds".as_ref()], bump)]
vector_pda: Account<'info, VectorPDA>,
pub struct VectorPDA {
pub addresses: Vec<Pubkey>,
pub bump: u8,
But I cant store as much data as I want. For what I have researched yet, this happens because I am using Vec::push() on the vector stored in the account's data and, as the push method allocates the entire account's state I get the Error: memory allocation failed, out of memory.
This is my function for testing, just a loop trying to store 100 pubkeys in the vector each time the function is called.
pub fn populate_vector(ctx: Context<PopulateVector>) -> Result<()> {
for i in 0..100 {
#[derive(Accounts, Clone)]
pub struct PopulateVector<'info> {
/// CHECK: Just testing
pub payer: Signer<'info>,
/// CHECK: Just testing
pub rent: Sysvar<'info, Rent>,
pub system_program: Program<'info, System>,
#[account(mut, seeds = [b"seeds".as_ref(), bump = reveal_pda.bump)]
vector_pda: Account<'info, VectorPDA>,
I have been told to use Vec::copy_from_slice() but cant figure how to get this data after storing it.
const SIZE1: usize = 13;
const SIZE2: usize = 45;
let data_ref: &mut [u8] = &mut ctx.accounts.pda_account.try_borrow_mut_data()?;
let account_to_store: [u8; 32] = ctx.accounts.account_to_store.key().to_bytes();
let data = data_ref.get_mut(SIZE1..SIZE2).unwrap();
The question is, how can I allocate data on an specific memory region instead of using Vec::push? Do I need to desirialize the account first in order to access memory region?