I have followed this tutorial.

It works fine but I have 2 questions.

How to make metadata immutable?

  // Instruction to initialize Metadata Account data
  const initializeMetadataIx = createInitializeInstruction({
    programId: TOKEN_2022_PROGRAM_ID, // Token Extension Program as Metadata Program
    metadata: mintAddress, // Account address that holds the metadata
    updateAuthority: updateAuthority, // Authority that can update the metadata
    mint: mintAddress, // Mint Account address
    mintAuthority: updateAuthority, // Designated Mint Authority
    name: metaData.name,
    symbol: metaData.symbol,
    uri: metaData.uri,

updateAuthority does not accept null.

Other question is that I want to update metadata with another request, if they are mutable but I cannot find the Instruction to do that. @solana/spl-token-metadata package there is not tutorial on that

3 Answers 3


Use the tokenMetadataUpdateAuthority helper and set newAuthority to null.


It invokes this instruction on the token extensions program: https://github.com/solana-labs/solana-program-library/blob/master/token/program-2022/src/extension/token_metadata/processor.rs#L166


this worked for making it immutable

createUpdateAuthorityInstruction({ programId, metadata: mint, oldAuthority: updateAuthorityPublicKey, newAuthority, }) 
export const getUpdateMetadataFieldIx = async ({
}: {
  mintAddress: PublicKey;
  updateAuthority: PublicKey;
  field: "name" | "symbol" | "uri";
  value: string;
  isImmutable?: boolean;
}) => {
  const updateFieldIx = createUpdateFieldInstruction({
    programId: TOKEN_2022_PROGRAM_ID,
    metadata: mintAddress,
    updateAuthority: updateAuthority,
    field, // Key of the field to update
    value, // Value of the field to update

  return updateFieldIx;

this is for updating metadata

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