How do I get the lamports sent in each transaction and why are there multiple transaction accounts on each message? This is the code I have, but 'parsed' is typed as any in the SDK

const getTransactionSummary = (
  fromAddress: ParsedMessageAccount,
  transaction: ParsedTransactionWithMeta
) => {
  const {
    transaction: { message },
  } = transaction;

  const parsedLamports = message.instructions
    .map(({ parsed }) => parsed.info.lamports);

  return {
    address: fromAddress.pubkey.toBase58(),
    time: blockTime ? new Date(blockTime * 1000).toISOString() : null,
    amount: parsedLamports.reduce(add, 0),
    meta: transaction.meta?.err ?? null,

1 Answer 1


I think you can use getParsedTransaction function to get preBalance and postBalance of accounts in a transaction. From that you can calculate lamports sent.

  const connection = new Connection(clusterApiUrl('devnet'), { commitment: 'finalized' });

  const signature = "signature of the transaction you want to calculate";
  const txDetail = await connection.getParsedTransaction(signature, {
    commitment: "finalized",
  console.log("account array: ", txDetail.transaction.message.accountKeys)
  console.log("post balances: ", txDetail.meta.postBalances)
  console.log("pre balances: ", txDetail.meta.preBalances)
  • What about the account array, is that just the two accounts? Sorry I haven't been able to try it out. Just doesn't make sense why accountKeys is an array to me Commented Apr 11 at 23:37
  • Array accounts is all account is read or written in the transaction.These account can be System account, PDAs, user accounts, another program accounts,... Commented Apr 15 at 10:03

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