use anchor_lang::prelude::*; use anchor_spl::token::{self, Token, TokenAccount, Transfer as SplTransfer}; // use solana_program::system_instruction; use solana_program::{account_info::AccountInfo, pubkey::Pubkey};
#[program] pub mod bridge { use super::*;
pub fn deposit(
ctx: Context<TransferSpl>,
amount: u64
) -> Result<()> {
assert!(amount > 0, "No amount to transfer");
let destination = &ctx.accounts.to_ata;
let source = &ctx.accounts.from_ata;
let token_program = &ctx.accounts.token_program;
let authority = &ctx.accounts.from;
// Transfer tokens from taker to initializer
let cpi_accounts = SplTransfer {
from: source.to_account_info(),
to: destination.to_account_info(),
authority: authority.to_account_info(),
let cpi_program = token_program.to_account_info();
token::transfer(CpiContext::new(cpi_program, cpi_accounts), amount)?;
let this_account = &mut ctx.accounts.reciept;
this_account.count += 1;
this_account.user = ctx.accounts.signer.key();
this_account.amount = amount;
pub fn claim(
ctx: Context<TransferSpl>,
_to: Pubkey
) -> Result<()> {
let this_account = &mut ctx.accounts.reciept;
let destination = &ctx.accounts.to_ata;
let source = &ctx.accounts.from_ata;
let token_program = &ctx.accounts.token_program;
let authority = &ctx.accounts.from;
let cpi_accounts = SplTransfer {
from: source.to_account_info(),
to: destination.to_account_info(),
authority: authority.to_account_info(),
let cpi_program = token_program.to_account_info();
token::transfer(CpiContext::new(cpi_program, cpi_accounts), this_account.amount)?;
#[derive(Accounts)] //#[instruction()] pub struct TransferSpl<'info> { pub from: Signer<'info>, #[account(mut)] pub from_ata: Account<'info, TokenAccount>, pub to_ata: Account<'info, TokenAccount>, pub token_program: Program<'info, Token>,
payer = signer,
space = 500,
seeds = [],
pub reciept: Account<'info, TransactionInfo>,
pub signer: Signer<'info>,
pub system_program: Program<'info, System>,
#[account] pub struct TransactionInfo { pub count: u128, pub user: Pubkey, pub amount: u64, pub ok: u8 }