Please I'm new to this. I need someone to explain how this solana works. I've tried creating a solana stake exchange account but it doesn't seem to work

  • Please be more specific. If you post your stake exchange program code and the error that you're facing, we'd be happy to help you.
    – McBain
    Commented Jun 18 at 13:27

1 Answer 1


There are various ways to get started and learn about Solana. I would recommend starting with tutorials

getting start

  1. learn about blockchain fundamentals https://solana.com/learn/blockchain-basics
  2. set up your Solana environment https://solana.com/developers/guides/getstarted/setup-local-development


  1. Solana BootCamp - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLilwLeBwGuK6NsYMPP_BlVkeQgff0NwvU

  2. SolDev - https://www.soldev.app/course

  3. Calyptus Curriculum - https://learn.calyptus.co/learn-solana/

ref - https://solana.com/developers


  1. The 76 devs - https://discord.gg/VSwCNPyW

  2. solanaU - https://discord.gg/solanau

  3. solana Tech - https://discord.gg/solana

feel free to use this site to ask technical questions

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