Hello I would like to get all transaction for a given wallet address with additional details like the from wallet address, the to wallet address, destination, lamport, fee, txhash, ect.. I found a post earlier that is close to what I want just need additional details. The code below was from https://solana.stackexchange.com/a/277/1452
const solanaweb3 = require('@solana/web3.js');
const SrchAddress = "5HcS2Qej4uPKop4pNaDHnVywx42Y2qUhceUYmbFKPG8g";
const SrchAddress = "5HcS2Qej4uPKop4pNaDHnVywx42Y2qUhceUYmbFKPG8g";
const endpoint = "https://api.mainnet-beta.solana.com";
const SolanaConnection = new solanaweb3.Connection(endpoint);
const getParsedTransactions = async (address) => {
let transactionListLength = 1
const allTransactions = []
const pubkey = new solanaweb3.PublicKey(address);
let transactionList = await SolanaConnection.getSignaturesForAddress(pubkey);
while (transactionListLength >= 1) {
const lastSignature = transactionList[transactionList.length - 1];
const nextSignatures = await SolanaConnection.getSignaturesForAddress(pubkey, { before: lastSignature.signature });
transactionList = nextSignatures
transactionListLength = nextSignatures.length;
return allTransactions.flat()
getParsedTransactions(SrchAddress).then((res) => console.log(res))