This is my Code, the output is 1000, I tried with another address which had 18 TXNs & the output was 18 , the wallet below has more than a million transactions, Solana/web3js is limited to fetch 1000 Txns , please let me know if there is any other way to get the rest and exact number
const SrchAddress = "5HcS2Qej4uPKop4pNaDHnVywx42Y2qUhceUYmbFKPG8g";
const endpoint = "";
const SolanaConnection = new solanaweb3.Connection(endpoint);
const getTransactions = async (address) => {
const pubkey = new solanaweb3.PublicKey(address);
let transactionList = await SolanaConnection.getSignaturesForAddress(pubkey);