If I have the address of a mint account, how can I programmatically check/deserialize (using JS and Rust) all the extension data to see all the extensions enabled for the mint?

Is there a helper function that does this automatically, without having to know beforehand which extensions are enabled?

1 Answer 1


You have three different options:

  • requesting the account with jsonParsed encoding should parse all of the extension data for you
  • in Rust:
use spl_token_2022::{
    extension::{BaseStateWithExtensions, StateWithExtensions},
... assuming you have the mint data from fetching the account ...
let mint = StateWithExtensions::<PodMint>::unpack(&mint_data).unwrap();
let extension_types = mint.get_extension_types().unwrap();
  • In JS:
import { getMint, getExtensionTypes, TOKEN_2022_PROGRAM_ID } from '@solana/spl-token';

const mint = await getMint(connection, address, 'confirmed', TOKEN_2022_PROGRAM_ID);
const extensionTypes = getExtensionTypes(mint.tlvData);

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