Im facing an error on devnet wich i wasnt facing on localnet. Found that my error was duo to not having:

--deactivate-feature EenyoWx9UMXYKpR8mW5Jmfmy2fRjzUtM7NduYMY8bx33

wich "confirmed?" that it was stack error. So, since i have everything boxed already, i decided to use remaining accounts but still getting the same error:

Anchor code: https://gist.github.com/belivenn/d2000ea9a2b2b7e2e6de59399d447f7b (commented accs, are the remmaining accs)

test code: https://gist.github.com/belivenn/b88b83e3631ee8ae1a057e0058a5c174

Thoughts? Thank you in advance

1 Answer 1


Fixed by removing .with_remaining_accounts(ctx.remaining_accounts.to_vec());

But still don't understand why does it work with the feature and without.

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