While deploying app to Devnet it returned a different program Id than declared in the macro declare_id!. Then when I try to do transaction on the app, I have an error 'Error Code: DeclaredProgramIdMismatch. Error Number: 4100. Error Message: The declared'

In that case should I deploy program to the same id that was declared in the declare_id ?

like: anchor deploy --provider.cluster devnet --program-id <PROGRAM_ID>

when I run anchor keys list I have response with the ID deployed to devnet and that create that error on the frontend

  • Also make sure you're using the updated IDL
    – Jimii
    Commented Oct 14 at 11:14

1 Answer 1


Your generated program I'd when deploying should match the one in the declare_id macro

You can get this after building your program using the anchor CLI command

anchor keys list

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