I am trying to install old solana versions.

sh -c "$(curl -sSfL https://release.solana.com/v1.14.10/install)"

But im getting this error:

Error: Unknown release: 1.14.10

  • why not build from source for the specific releases version that is tagged on github?
    – nickfrosty
    Commented Nov 11 at 18:54
  • Because then i would need to figure out the specific plattform tools version for each release and i couldnt figure out how.
    – Jonas H.
    Commented Nov 12 at 10:21

1 Answer 1


This is breaking because old installer version got only 100 release tags in their code. This was fixed later by introducing paging:


The install downloads a file called solana-install-init into the /var/ folder and then calls it. You can not change this file since its a binary. But you can change the install script to call that file with other SOLANA_INSTALL_INIT_ARGS.

Here is a wrapper script that does that and takes the version you want to install as a parameter. It downloads the install script from version 1.18.20 and then replaces the desired version in that script and then calls it:


# Check if a version argument is passed; if not, use a default

# Fetch the latest installer version
LATEST_INSTALLER_VERSION=$(curl -sSfL https://api.github.com/repos/solana-labs/solana/releases/latest | grep -m 1 "tag_name" | sed -ne 's/^ *"tag_name": "\([^"]*\)",$/\1/p')

# Download the latest install script
curl -sSfL "$INSTALL_SCRIPT_URL" -o solana_install_latest.sh

# Make the script executable
chmod +x solana_install_latest.sh

# Replace SOLANA_INSTALL_INIT_ARGS with the desired version in the downloaded script

# Verify that the change was made (for debugging, optional)
grep "SOLANA_INSTALL_INIT_ARGS=" solana_install_latest.sh

# Run the modified install script

You can call it like this:

./solana_install_wrapper.sh 1.14.10 

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