I want to list all user accounts for a given SPL mint token. I have been following the docs over here

I can manage to execute the RPC call from the CLI using curl (notice I am using my own pre-deployed SPL token)

curl http://api.devnet.solana.com -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '
    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "id": 1,
    "method": "getProgramAccounts",
    "params": [
        "encoding": "jsonParsed",
        "filters": [
            "dataSize": 165
            "memcmp": {
              "offset": 0,
              "bytes": "tmyjPipMS9jHkmhibbepduYAWpdrv5qkEqGz5fm4PQN"

Expected output


But I am having trouble translating this to Rust code:

mod test {
    use std::str::FromStr;

    use solana_client::{
        rpc_filter::{Memcmp, MemcmpEncodedBytes, RpcFilterType},

    use super::*;

    async fn testing() {
        // Test code snippet
        let rpc = RpcClient::new("https://api.devnet.solana.com".to_string());
        // Step 1 Assume that I have the data here.
        let token_account =
        let mint_account = Pubkey::from_str("tmyjPipMS9jHkmhibbepduYAWpdrv5qkEqGz5fm4PQN").unwrap();

        let filters = vec![
            RpcFilterType::Memcmp(Memcmp::new_base58_encoded(0, &mint_account.to_bytes())),
        let filters = RpcProgramAccountsConfig {
            filters: Some(filters),
        let all_user_accounts = rpc
            .get_program_accounts_with_config(&token_account, filters)
// Err(ClientError { request: Some(GetProgramAccounts), kind: RpcError(RpcResponseError { code: -32600, message: "Encoded binary (base 58) data should be less than 128 bytes, please use Base64 encoding.", data: Empty }) })

Changing the filters to use Base64 encoding results in a different error:

        let filters = vec![
            RpcFilterType::Memcmp(Memcmp {
                offset: 0,
                bytes: MemcmpEncodedBytes::Base64(mint_account.to_string()),
                encoding: None,
   // Err(ClientError { request: None, kind: RpcError(RpcRequestError("RPC node on old version does not support base64 encoding for memcmp filters")) })


2 Answers 2


The only way how I managed to retrieve the data I wanted, was to bypass the get_program_accounts helper on the SDK client, as it was unable to properly parse the returned data. Here is the code that returns the expected result.

mod test {
    use std::str::FromStr;

    use serde_json::json;
    use solana_account_decoder::UiAccountEncoding;
    use solana_client::{
        rpc_config::{RpcAccountInfoConfig, RpcProgramAccountsConfig},
        rpc_filter::{Memcmp, MemcmpEncodedBytes, RpcFilterType},
        rpc_request::RpcRequest, rpc_response::RpcKeyedAccount,
    use solana_sdk::{commitment_config::{CommitmentLevel, CommitmentConfig}, pubkey::Pubkey};

    #[tokio::test(flavor = "multi_thread")]
    async fn testing() {
        let rpc = RpcClient::new("https://api.devnet.solana.com".to_string());
        let token_account =
        let mint_account = Pubkey::from_str("tmyjPipMS9jHkmhibbepduYAWpdrv5qkEqGz5fm4PQN").unwrap();

        let filters = vec![
            RpcFilterType::Memcmp(Memcmp::new_raw_bytes(0, mint_account.to_bytes().to_vec())),
        let filters = RpcProgramAccountsConfig {
            filters: Some(filters),
            account_config: RpcAccountInfoConfig {
                encoding: Some(UiAccountEncoding::JsonParsed),
                data_slice: None,
                commitment: Some(CommitmentConfig {
                    commitment: CommitmentLevel::Finalized,
                min_context_slot: None,
        let all_user_accounts = rpc.send::<Vec<RpcKeyedAccount>>(
            json!([token_account.to_string(), filters]),

If you read the first error message, it complains about the returned data being too large for base58.

// Err(ClientError { request: Some(GetProgramAccounts), kind: RpcError(RpcResponseError { code: -32600, message: "Encoded binary (base 58) data should be less than 128 bytes, please use Base64 encoding.", data: Empty }) })

To make your first snippet work you need to specify your encoding.

    let config = RpcProgramAccountsConfig {
        filters: Some(filters),
        account_config: RpcAccountInfoConfig {
            encoding: Some(UiAccountEncoding::JsonParsed), // This is necessary to avoid 
            data_slice: None,
            commitment: Some(CommitmentConfig {
                commitment: CommitmentLevel::Finalized,
            min_context_slot: None,

This is what your solution had except that you don't need to do all the work manually you can use the original rpc.get_program_accounts_with_config

An example in a get_account call where it isn't using the default encoding https://github.com/solana-labs/solana/blob/9fb7ec77c8aa444544c4dd20497d92c9f378ea4f/client/src/nonblocking/rpc_client.rs#L3911

  • The request does get executed, but there's another error, which originates from the parse_keyed_accounts function: Err(ClientError { request: Some(GetProgramAccounts), kind: RpcError(ParseError("Account from rpc")) }) So it seems that even though the request gets executed and the data gets returned, the Solana client instance cannot properly parse the returned data. Commented Aug 25, 2022 at 15:14

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