I was trying to extract as much data as possible about confirmed transactions, using the method getTransactions(signatures[]).

First I'm fetching all signatures by using the method getSignaturesForAddress(). And then calling on them getTransactions() method.

Though, I do not see the required information. Like below:

  1. token address
  2. transaction amount (there is only pre/post balance)
  3. which of the accounts is sending/receiving

Is there any other method which would provide the required info? Or maybe there are some libraries for fetching transaction data.


2 Answers 2


Maybe you are looking something like this

import { Connection, LAMPORTS_PER_SOL, PublicKey } from "@solana/web3.js";

const conn = new Connection("https://api.devnet.solana.com/");

async function extractTransactionData(signatures: string[]) {
  const accounts: Map<string, number> = new Map();
  const transactions = await conn.getParsedTransactions(signatures);

  for (const transaction of transactions) {
    let { parsed } = transaction?.transaction.message.instructions[0];
    if(parsed.type === "transfer") {
      const { source, lamports, destination } = parsed.info;
      const sols = lamports * LAMPORTS_PER_SOL;
      console.log(`${source} sent ${sols} amount of SOL to ${destination}`);

await extractTransactionData([

Bitquery provides Solana APIs for real-time data including transaction and instruction information.

This graphQL query gets all information about the latest confirmed transactions in realtime: https://ide.bitquery.io/Realtime-Solana-Transactions

Docs for more examples on Solana: https://docs.bitquery.io/docs/category/solana/

A free developer account should be enough for your tests.

Full disclosure, I work at Bitquery.

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