The Requester struct looks like this

pub struct Requester {
    pub authority: Pubkey,
    pub oracle: Pubkey,
    pub created_at: i64,
    pub count: u64,
    pub last_updated: i64,
    pub random: [u8; 64],
    pub pkt_id: [u8; 32],
    pub tls_id: [u8; 32],
    pub active_request: bool,
    pub uuid: u64,
    pub bump: u8,

and this is one of the use case

pub struct Initialize<'info> {
        seeds = [b"r-seed".as_ref(), authority.key().as_ref(), &uuid.to_le_bytes()],
        payer = authority,
        space = 8 + size_of::<Requester>()
    pub requester: Account<'info, Requester>,

but i get this error when i run anchor build

 the trait bound `Requester: anchor_lang::AccountSerialize` is not satisfied
   --> /home/icus/.cargo/registry/src/github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823/solrand-0.1.5/src/lib.rs:151:20
151 |     pub requester: Account<'info, Requester>,
    |                    ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ the trait `anchor_lang::AccountSerialize` is not implemented for `Requester`
 pub struct Account<'info, T: AccountSerialize + AccountDeserialize + Owner + Clone> {
    |                              ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ required by this bound in `anchor_lang::prelude::Account`

Any help on how this can be solved will be appreciated.

1 Answer 1


The zero_copy macro doesn't derive AccountSerialize. It derives Pod, Zeroable, ZeroCopy, Discriminator, and AccountDeserialize. If you instead replace Account<'info, Requester> with AccountLoader<'info, Requester>, (docs here) which is intended to be used with ZeroCopy accounts, your program should work.

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