I want to receive all staking accounts for a wallet. How can I do this? I'm trying to use getParsedProgramAccounts, but don't know what should I put for data size and offset

 const accounts = await connection.getParsedProgramAccounts(
        filters: [
            dataSize: 200, // number of bytes
            memcmp: {
              offset: 64, // number of bytes
              bytes: WALLET_KEY, // base58 encoded string

2 Answers 2


dataSize here seems redundant. And for offset you should use 12


const accounts = await connection.getParsedProgramAccounts(
        filters: [
            memcmp: {
              offset: 12, // number of bytes
              bytes: WALLET_KEY, // base58 encoded string
  • Thanks, that worked for me. Where did you get the offset of 12 from? Commented Nov 23, 2023 at 2:20

Staking account is a Token Account so you can use the "getTokenAccountsByOwner" from Solana JSON RPC call : https://docs.solana.com/developing/clients/jsonrpc-api#gettokenaccountsbyowner

  • After call I recieve exception: failed to get token accounts owned by account F8dQyDCkxKtgoNi8QGJ2qyDGcRnzzy15BzmCb4JoPdaR: Invalid param: unrecognized Token program id at Connection.getTokenAccountsByOwner programId is Stake11111111111111111111111111111111111111 getTokenAccountsByOwner(new PublicKey('F8dQyDCkxKtgoNi8QGJ2qyDGcRnzzy15BzmCb4JoPdaR'), { programId: new PublicKey( 'Stake11111111111111111111111111111111111111', ), });
    – Oksana
    Commented Oct 6, 2022 at 11:35

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