We have a Kin account that is nested under a USDC account. We have 2 USDC accounts, and the Kin is nested under a USDC account [1] that wasn’t created by the Associated Token Account program [2], therefore we can’t use the RecoverNested instruction (introduced in Solana PR [3]) for that reason.
It's validation checks fail as it expects the Kin to be nested under the other USDC account [2].
relevant links:
- [1] first USDC account: https://explorer.solana.com/address/8ux94QJAtjYwckTecmkT9V5yqNTkRr8CFmWuCogKqShb/tokens?cluster=mainnet&display=detail
- [2] ATA program USDC account: https://explorer.solana.com/address/5trjVzHL7uQnmwzBreE83i2rnCYMjqijU1MAVbM2JPuZ/tokens?cluster=mainnet&display=detail
- [3] Solana recovery program PR: https://github.com/solana-labs/solana-program-library/pull/2889