I want to check the payment paid by the user in the chain and add it to database.
const transactionString =
const tx = Transaction.from(Buffer.from(transactionString, "base64"));
tx.feePayer = anchorWallet.publicKey;
await anchorWallet.signTransaction(tx);
const signedData = tx.serialize().toString("base64");
i send the signedData
to the backend
app.post("/:publicKey/pay", async (c) => {
const publicKey = new PublicKey(c.req.param("publicKey"));
const tx = Transaction.from(Buffer.from(await c.req.text(), "base64"));
const {
value: { blockhash },
} = await connection.getLatestBlockhashAndContext();
tx.recentBlockhash = blockhash;
const signature = await connection.sendRawTransaction(tx.serialize());
and I get the error "Trace: Signature verification failed". How can I solve this problem? Don't you already have the necessary signatures in the Transaction?