Getting the following error

RangeError: The value of "offset" is out of range. It must be >= 0 and <= 8. Received 9

When I try to call decodeTransferCheckedInstructionUnchecked on the 3rd tx instruction of this tx: https://solscan.io/tx/5Aybc2PhNy9KJepxTML95K137FvMhZWhbpdcxgtuqE5yj2X6Q7QpSQ5Fg2ttkinB7NHn1s8wqNMRLcQkWwhmnmJw

decodeTransferCheckedInstructionUnchecked is from the "@solana/spl-token" package https://solana-labs.github.io/solana-program-library/token/js/modules.html#decodeTransferCheckedInstructionUnchecked Any idea why?

1 Answer 1


Very simply, that instruction is a transfer instruction, and not a transferChecked instruction. Instead of using decodeTransferCheckedInstructionUnchecked, use decodeTransferInstruction or decodeTransferInstructionUnchecked.

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