I understand that the init keyword in anchor creates and set the default values of an account ,while the ini_if_needed does the same thing and also doesn’t throw an error if the account has already been created/initialized. A use case I can think of about the init_if_needed is a case of a staking smart contract in which when a user stakes,the amount staked is mapped to his address through PDA, In that case,if a user already staked and wanna stake again, there is no need in creating/mapping a new account with a PDA. The already existing one can be used. My question is,

  1. What are the security vulnerabilities of this use case

  2. How can it be solved.

1 Answer 1


init_if_needed likely can't be exploited too often as long as other checks are in place, but this is dependent on the logic of your application.

There's a potential vulnerability if the PDA can have its ownership reassigned, and the program does not check proper ownership.

For example, an associated token account is a PDA, but it's possible to transfer its ownership to someone else. If an account has been given to someone else, and you use init_if_needed without checking that the owner is correct, you may use the wrong account and credit / debit the wrong person.

The solution is to also check that the account data is correct, and maybe give the opportunity to use another account if the expected one is incorrect / corrupted / compromised.

These are all pretty vague points, but I hope it helps!

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