I don't have experience with solana yet and I have question in my work. I see that it is possible to generate a key pair with web3.js But is it possible to generate a new pshair with php ?

2 Answers 2


Looks like you can do it with the solana-php-sdk https://github.com/verze-app/solana-php-sdk with:

use Tighten\SolanaPhpSdk\Keypair;

$keypair = new Keypair();
// OR
$keypair = Keypair::generate();

Ripped off from the tests at https://github.com/verze-app/solana-php-sdk/blob/main/tests/Unit/KeypairTest.php


Solana uses ed25519 keypairs so if you can find a PHP library to do that, absolutely.

EDIT: Such as this one https://github.com/encedo/php-ed25519-ext

  • sorry, can you give an example code for creating an account using php ?
    – Leo Loki
    Commented Feb 8, 2023 at 9:41

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