I want to mint audio and image nft at the same time. Using Web3.js and Arweave. I am uploading audio and image to arweave and then nft metadata with those links for audio and image. It is successful.
Then I am minting that metadata with web3.js. The problem is, in my Phantom wallet collectibles I only see the image. I can listen the audio at solscan.io. Is there a way to listen the audio also in phantom wallet collectibles? I also do not mint my nft on Solsea or any similar platforms. Is that necessary?
async function onClick() {
if (!wallet.publicKey) throw new WalletNotConnectedError();
connection.getBalance(wallet.publicKey).then((bal) => {
console.log(bal / LAMPORTS_PER_SOL, "lamp sol");
if (metadataRequest === null) return;
const metadataTransaction = await arweave.createTransaction(
{ data: metadataRequest },
metadataTransaction.addTag('Content-Type', 'application/json');
await arweave.transactions.sign(metadataTransaction, arweaveKey);
let response = await arweave.transactions.post(metadataTransaction);
const mintNFTResponse = await actions.mintNFT({
wallet: wallet,
uri: `https://arweave.net/${metadataTransaction.id}`,
maxSupply: 1
}).catch(e => console.error(e,));