I built a project on Solana by following this youtube tutorial by CleverProgrammer.
It is basically Decentralized Spotify. I completed the tutorial successfully. The project was working as expected. Suddenly without doing any changes in my code, I am getting this error "Signature Verification Failed". I am unable to perform any transactions. (I guess it is because of Phantom Wallet Update, as they have provided the multichain support. But I am not sure about it.)
I tried the following things:- 1. Rebuilding & Redeploying the Smart Contract. (Platform used beta.solpg.io ) 2. Changing the RPC ( Quicknode) Still, the error remains.
I redeveloped the entire project by following the tutorial from the start to track down the error. On closely observing the code, I noticed that when I tried to track my 'PayerSigner' on Solana Explorer it shows 'Account does not exist'.
This is the function that gives an error.
(Both the above code snippets are from Payment.js file)
anchor.web3.PublicKey.findProgramAddress() just returns 'Derived Address'. This function requires Deployed Smart Contract Address & an array of inputs. Here the array contains "payer" word & Address of the connected Phantom Account.
If you follow the tutorial you face the error at 1Hr 25mins.
This is my Github repository. (This contains code only till 1Hr 25 mins).
You can also refer to the Instructor's GitHub repository.
If you find any solution please let me know.
Thank you.