I am struggling with the metaplex.nfts().loadNft():


I am getting a list of NFT from a wallet using findAllByOwner(). But, it says lazy = true.

So, I am trying to load the NFT and not the LazyNFT:

// Get list of NFTs
const holdingNFTs = await metaplex.nfts().findAllByOwner(wallet).run();

const lazyNft = holdingNFTs[0];
const nft = await metaplex.nfts().loadNft(lazyNft, { commitment: 'confirmed' } ).run();

And I am getting this error:

Argument of type 'Nft | LazyNft' is not assignable to parameter of type 'LazyNft'. Type 'Nft' is not assignable to type 'LazyNft'. Type 'Nft' is not assignable to type 'Readonly<{ lazy: true; }>'. Types of property 'lazy' are incompatible. Type 'false' is not assignable to type 'true'.

Any ideas? What am I doing wrong? I couldn't find any code examples.


4 Answers 4


Here is also an answer I just crafted today. Not the most optimal one but one that includes type

const mx = Metaplex.make(connection);
    if (!data) {
                // find All nfts owned by an address
                const userNfts: (Nft | LazyNft)[] = await mx
                if (userNfts) {
                  // we might get nfts without metadata (LazyNfts). We have to then query for
                  // metadata extra
                    const loadedLazyNfts = Promise.all(userNfts.map((async (eachLazyNft: Nft | LazyNft) => {
                      if (eachLazyNft.lazy) {
                        return mx.nfts().loadNft(eachLazyNft).run();
                      return eachLazyNft
                    }) ));
                      .then((allLoadedNfts) => {
                        console.log(allLoadedNfts, 'allLoadedNfts')
                      } )
  • You don't need to use .then() since you have async/await (and you're using that elsewhere). Just do const loadedLazyNfts = await Promise.all(...); setData(loadedLazyNfts);
    – mikemaccana
    Commented Aug 17, 2022 at 10:38

My mistake was use TypeScript instead of Javascript.

Here is the complete code working to fetch the NFTs from a wallet as LazyNFT and then load them to NFT type.

import { Metaplex, guestIdentity } from "@metaplex-foundation/js";
import { Connection, clusterApiUrl, PublicKey } from "@solana/web3.js";

const connection = new Connection(clusterApiUrl("mainnet-beta"));
const metaplex = new Metaplex(connection).use(guestIdentity());

const wallet = new PublicKey("WALLET");

const lazyNfts = await metaplex.nfts().findAllByOwner(wallet).run();
const lazy = lazyNfts[0];

const nft = await metaplex.nfts().loadNft(lazy, {commitment: 'confirmed'}).run();
  • 1
    You should be able to use typescript? The JS SDK was written in TypeScript and as a result is of course fully typed.
    – Sammy
    Commented Jul 25, 2022 at 18:07
  • please annotated the code to point out the differences and why they make it work vs what you tried before
    – trent.sol
    Commented Jul 25, 2022 at 18:17
  • The code is the same, my mistake was using TypeScript instead Javascript. Just changed to Javascript and works fine.
    – Andres
    Commented Jul 25, 2022 at 21:02
  • This is a workaround (as is the other suggested answer using type coersion) rather than an answer.
    – mikemaccana
    Commented Aug 17, 2022 at 10:40

Typescript error says that you use the type that is either LazyNFT or NFT for a method that takes only LazyNFT. It prevents you from passing NFT type to this method. You can avoid this type of error if you use as LazyNFT for a value.


@andres, your solution doesn't work, no matter which wallet you provide, it will return the same set of NFTs of the same random address. (tbh i have no idea how it is chosen in the first place)

lazy.lazy is undefined, and the last call error come back as not a function

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