While using the @solana/wallet-adapter-react-ui package, I noticed that if you children to WalletMultiButton, like so:

<WalletMultiButton>Click me!</WalletMultiButton>

that, once you connect your wallet, the "Click me!" text will overwrite the account address that is displayed.

I opened this github issue (along with a PR) to see if there was a way to display your own unique button text without overwriting the account address.

Or even better, is there a way to add button text and an account address, which you can manage the CSS of, with the current implementation of WalletMultiButton?

1 Answer 1


If you want your own custom text AFAIK the only way doing it is by fetching the account address from the useWallet context

const { publicKey } = useWallet();

and change

<WalletMultiButton>Click me!</WalletMultiButton>


<WalletMultiButton>Click me! {publicKey?.toBase58()}</WalletMultiButton>

And to manage the CSS you will have to create a wallet_style.css file where you overwite the style of the WalletMultiButton.

  • thanks for your reply. I thought of doing this, but it seems redundant since the source of the component already returns a spliced account address: see line 20 github.com/solana-labs/wallet-adapter/blob/master/packages/ui/…
    – platocrat
    Commented Jul 24, 2022 at 12:23
  • ig react-ui is supposed to be simple and we're left to customize it on our own -- hence the use of children. i'll settle on this answer for now and close my issue and PR, thanks again
    – platocrat
    Commented Jul 24, 2022 at 12:31

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