The docs.rs page mentions:

Consider using the Signer type if you would only have this constraint on the account.

What would be some examples where you would want to use the #[account(signer)] constraint instead of the Signer account type?

For example, when would you use something like this:

#[account(signer, <other constraints>)]
pub signer: SystemAccount<'info> // what other account types would require signing? maybe PDAs?


#[account(<other constraints>)]
pub signer: Signer<'info>

1 Answer 1


I think it's a style preference since both do the same thing.

With #[account(signer)] and AccountInfo you will also have to include the CHECK: rustdoc comment to explain why you're using an unsigned account. But it makes things easier when I have to get the account info later in my program.

Rather than having a Signer Account type, I'll have to perform a to_account_info and clone the account in order to use/check account information. This also improves DX since I instantly know that this is the signer.

P.S this is prior to anchor 0.29.0

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