I sent some USDT-SPL from Huobi (HTX) directly to my main Solana address. DXu4QfQa3LdVp6ZTw1u7odR1rV95rUiR8XWtUw2yCWv8

This seems to have invoked a program to create a USDT-SPL token account, which is owned by the main Solana account. GoLQ6WEKR4kvbGGwG3uC1HKpsWWuR8WzYfWz2iJp18kx

This newly created token account now shows as $0 USDT balance and $325 USDT holdings, and owns another token account which shows as $325 USDT balance and $0 USDT holdings. Ddd4eKySysqfS9d8ix7BDxs8CXrm8puVbRqVF9gtaydA

Looking at my other token accounts I see that the difference is that they are associated accounts (where this one is non-associated) and they do not further contain other accounts, but contain tokens.

When I look at my wallet, I see that the supposedly non-associated account always appear as my default USDT-SPL token address, so why is it non-associated I still do not understand.

Two questions - is it possible to move the tokens from the third layer account, to the USDT-SPL account? And is it possible to make it an associated account?

In other words - are these USDT tokens stuck or can they be obtained somehow?

3 Answers 3


This should count as a nested account (token account owned by a token account, assuming it also covers non ATAs). You should be able to either create a recover nested instruction, see:


or use this (assuming it works, I haven't tested it beyond connecting and attempting to find nested accounts):


As I understand, the instruction aims to send any tokens held in the nested account up one level to the parent account.

  • Hey, thanks for linking that tool. I did give it a try but it seems to be unable to find a nested account, but I think that may be because it scans through the ATAs only. In this case, my token account appears as non-associated. Any idea if that's possible to access? Commented Nov 26, 2023 at 3:16

I had the same issue and found a workaround using Solflare:

  1. send assets which are in the associated token account (the ones you can use) to a new wallet
  2. burn&close the associated account which is now on 0
  3. send assets from the nested account to yourself also using solflare

After this it will create a new associated token account which is offCurve in the explorer and you will be able to use the assets

  • I think I made it worse. I USDT-SPL non-associated account where the nested account was, along with the tokens in the nested account. Now I have a new USDT-SPL account which appears to be associated, but has nothing in it. Commented Dec 13, 2023 at 23:32
  • try to go to raydium.io/debug and it might let you migrate your old token accounts to associated and see if that gets you anywhere
    – spaghetti
    Commented Dec 24, 2023 at 12:02

raydium.io/debug works as well. You can delete an associated USDT-SLP account with nothing in it and the other one with assets should become associated.

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    – Community Bot
    Commented Jan 24 at 13:15

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