Ran the code npm run build:program-rust getting this error I've tried uninstalling and reinstalling rustup and also solana tool chain still nothing

[email protected] build:program-rust cargo build-bpf --manifest-path=./src/program-rust/Cargo.toml --bpf-out-dir=dist/program

info: uninstalling toolchain 'solana' info: toolchain 'solana' uninstalled error: no such command: +solana

    Cargo does not handle `+toolchain` directives.
    Did you mean to invoke `cargo` through `rustup` instead?

2 Answers 2


This could come from a couple of sources:

  • Rust is old: be sure to upgrade with rustup update stable
  • the Solana toolsuite isn't installed: be sure to install it https://docs.solana.com/cli/install-solana-cli-tools
  • the Solana toolsuite is old: be sure to upgrade with solana-install init 1.17.13 (as of this writing)

This error has to do with a deprecated version where as before it would use cargo build - bpf but got deprecated wich probably means ur anchor cli its also deprecated.

Btw why are you calling this :npm run build:program-rust ??

if you are building in native rust its cargo build if you are using anchor should be anchor build

  • Some people do use native to build Solana instead of Anchor. It seems their main CLI was outdated as per Jon's answer
    – Jacob Creech
    Commented Jan 4 at 4:58

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