I want to transfer solana from one account to another , I am using browser frotend js, not nodejs how I can get this secret key and transfer data,
Please do not suggest this
var from = web3.Keypair.generate();
// Generate a new random public key
var to = web3.Keypair.generate();
Please suggest with public key since from web wallet I am getting only the public key
I need to understand how I can get this array with web3js, or wallet-adapter or splToken
var web3 = require("@solana/web3.js");
// Address: asdasvfhgasomeaddress
const DEMO_FROM_SECRET_KEY = new Uint8Array([
37, 21, 197, 185, 105, 201, 212, 148, 164, 108, 251, 159, 174, 252, 43, 246,
225, 156, 38, 203, 99, 42, 244, 73, 252, 143, 34, 239, 15, 222, 217, 91, 132,
167, 105, 60, 17, 211, 120, 243, 197, 99, 113, 34, 76, 127, 190, 18, 91, 246,
121, 93, 189, 55, 165, 129, 196, 104, 25, 157, 209, 168, 165, 149,