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How can I connect to Solana TPU via C#?

Trying to implement TPU Client over MsQuic. Here is my code: var quicClient = await QuicConnection.ConnectAsync(new QuicClientConnectionOptions { DefaultStreamErrorCode = 0x0A, ...
Temnij's user avatar
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Current slot not in order?

Very simple code: await new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, 300)); const current_slot = await conn.getSlot("processed"); console.log("Current slot: &...
Crypto Actuary's user avatar
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How do I go from LLVM IR to Solana BPF?

Suppose I already have some LLVM IR - how do I turn this into Solana BPF? And what happens if my LLVM IR is doing things that Solana doesn't support, like Rust hashmaps?
KevinH's user avatar
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What does repair do?

In the replay stage in the Solana validator, there's a step called repair. What does this do?
ragged's user avatar
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difference of `repaly_votes` and `gossip_vote_txs`

I am working to understand voting process in Solana. I can't understand the difference of repaly_votes and gossip_vote_txs. What are the differences?
Foad's user avatar
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is there anything that can be built on Ethereum that cannot be built on Solana or vice versa? [closed]

As an example, Solana uses parallelized processing (to maximize speed) which requires programs specify who they will be talking to ahead of time, whereas Ethereum does not have this limitation. What ...
otter's user avatar
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How does ledger pruning work in Solana?

How far into the past can I still fetch transactions and their data? Where does the data go once pruned?
McBain's user avatar
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