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Sign in with Solana - am I getting blocked by wallets/blowfish?

I implemented a basic authentication system in my dapp, mostly following the steps outlined here:
pepeIKO's user avatar
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sign and approve all transactions with connected ledger wallet

how can I make ledger approve/sign multiple transactions at once? I'm using Solana wallet adapter for the browser, and for ledger users, they have to approve each transaction even when invoking the ...
Fares_Hassen's user avatar
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LEDGER: How to sign all transaction with one approval?

Working on an idle NFT game and I want Ledger users to be able to send transactions only in one approval through their Ledger. There are multiple transactions. When using a wallet extension ...
Oguzhan's user avatar
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How to sign message with Ledger (Phantom extension)? Or alternative solution?

Signing message to prove the ownership of an address is a common and 0 cost solution among many apps. Most of wallet extensions support it with a provided function commonly called signMessage. However,...
Oguzhan's user avatar
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Connecting to a Ledger wallet with Web3.js

I currently have a web app that uses web3.js to connect to Phantom wallets and sign with a relatively straightforward code snippet below: const response = await solana.connect(); const message = '...
BigBoysNYC's user avatar