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how i transfer my spl token by js

Hello i need to write a program that transfer token from my wallet to another wallet i wrote here is code const {clusterApiUrl, Connection, Keypair, LAMPORTS_PER_SOL, PublicKey} = require('@solana/...
Hich's user avatar
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Could not find `pda` and `state` in `mpl_token_metadata`

I have been trying to execute an anchor build command in my program, but I am facing some errors for the mpl_token_metadata package. The error is pointed out for the below block of code: use ...
Hemang Joshi's user avatar
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InstructionError: [ 0, 'ComputationalBudgetExceeded' ] Program failed to complete

// code use anchor_lang::prelude::*; pub mod mint; pub mod sell; //pub mod swap; use mint::*; use sell::*; //use swap::*; declare_id!("H5sYvvHMEVSJb2QEwrhCmxGKsMHuntiWz3bmVfxUcBnt")...
Shivam Soni's user avatar
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Is there way to differentiate accounts from pdas?

Out of curiosity, I was wondering if there was a way to tell just by looking at the address, if one can tell if the address is a data account or a pda instead. I'm personally having a hard time ...
alan's user avatar
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How to add metadata to a token whose mint is a PDA?

My token is program-controlled, i.e. my mint address (and authority) is a PDA. For that reason, I have to create code within my Solana Program to add metadata to my token. While I can easily mint, it ...
AllBlooming's user avatar
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"error: ... An account required by the instruction is missing" when issuing create_metadata_accounts_v3 via CPI

I have a token mint address that is a PDA. Because of that, I cannot just add metadata the usual way. No wallet can sign for the PDA, so my Program needs to add the metadata. So I created a new ...
AllBlooming's user avatar
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How to create a metadata account for a token whose mint authority is a PDA?

My token's mint authority is my Program. I need to add metadata so that the token appears nicely in my users' wallets. So in order to add the metadata, I need to create a new instruction into my ...
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