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Economic viability of social dApps with Solana

I've been diving into the web3 scene lately, starting with the Ethereum ecosystem. But since I'm a Rust developer first and foremost, Solana was an obvious choice to look into. I like it so far, ...
noob's user avatar
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Is it a waste to implement HashMap via PDAs when the value type is only a bool?

When writing smart contracts for EVM chains, I can define a mapping(address => bool). When it comes to Solana, I think I can only use PDAs to achieve the same thing? Is my understanding correct? If ...
Yan's user avatar
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Reducing rent costs

I feel like for some base accounts, I’m getting charged 0.002 sol, which is like $0.20 to store a simple data field on a PDA. Especially for multiple data fields I want to store, this number added ...
AceGravity's user avatar
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PDA rent exemption collection to transaction fee payer error on account close

In a transaction, I’m trying to close an ATA and a PDA. The ATA is closed by calling close_account from the SPL Token 2022 crate / On Chain Program, and the rent exemption can be sent without any ...
Vincent Berthier's user avatar
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Rent in PDA derived account

If I write a solana program which creates PDAs based on a seed and user's public key, do I need to fund all such accounts with lamports beforehand so that my clients can store data in it without ...
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