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The case for accepting ANY valid ATA in your instruction, no matter what its authority is

Sometimes, your program doesn't care about the authority of the input ATA, as long as the ATA has the correct/valid Mint. One such case is when you simply want to transfer some tokens to a recipient's ...
Iaroslav's user avatar
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Problem with associated token account of a mint account which initialized using Token2022

I have a mint account created from this script which utilizes Token2022 Program: Solana playground.. Now I am trying to create an ATA(Associated token account) by passing the mint account and user's ...
Rishabh Jamwal's user avatar
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Ways to fetch ATA account in typescript?

I have the following code that works fine with PDAs. const escrow_pda = PublicKey.findProgramAddressSync([Buffer.from("escrow"), fundraiser.publicKey.toBytes()], program.programId)[0]; const ...
WowBow's user avatar
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