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Buy using TokenAccount with init errors on second call with "Provided owner is not allowed"

I have a buy instruction for a token which initializes the user's token in the context and it runs absolutely fine the first time I run / call it. But on subsequent calls I get the following error: ...
ten5peed's user avatar
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Creating a new Associated Token Account is 10 times more expensive than expected

I have two questions. import { createAssociatedTokenAccount } from "@solana/spl-token" import { Connection, Keypair, PublicKey, clusterApiUrl } from "@solana/web3.js" import { ...
Ariel's user avatar
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InterfaceAccount<'_, TokenAccount> fails to create Associated Token Account

I have basic instruction, all it does is create an ATA for a user (mint is already initialized), this is what my context looks like // use { crate::constants::*, crate::states::*, ...
Isaac Frank's user avatar
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Do I have to explicitly create a USDC account to be able to receive USDC coins?

I have a Solana (#1) and USDT (#2) adddresses on the same account. I have some USDT coins in it. There's no USDC, though. I've already sent some USDC to the #1 in testnet, from a faucet, but none of ...
Camila326's user avatar
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Creating an Associated Token Account via Solana Program

I am struggling with creating a program that creates an Associated Token Account (ATA) for a mint I created. I am using the anchor_spl::associated_token for the task. Here is my code: use anchor_lang:...
Sebastian Dine's user avatar