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Questions tagged [spl-token-program]

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How to get token CA when subscribing to websockets for newly minted coins

is it possible to get the token mint address when a new token is called from the websocket API? context: { slot: 305696650 }, value: { signature: '...
Mau Lucky Cat's user avatar
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getting error when try to send the two transactions combined for swap to jupiter sdk

i'm trying to send a two seperate swap transaction as one through the help of versioned transactions to solana network and in return i'm getting the error below SendTransactionError: Transaction ...
Anwar's user avatar
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How to get all wallets (token accounts) holding a specific token (by mint address)

As the title states I would like to get all wallets that hold a particular token by providing the token's address. I believe in more accurate terms I would like to get all token accounts with a non-...
Kody F's user avatar
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token swaps on amm supported dexs on solana

i am a new to solana development just started exploring it yesterday before that i am doing development on etherum and other evm compatible chains from last 2 years. i have a question for people who ...
Anwar's user avatar
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How to resolve error code":-32010,"message":"2UR.... excluded from account secondary indexes; this RPC method unavailable for key

I have set up a Solana full node with a configuration of 1TB memory for eypc 64 core. At the same time, I also opened the account index program id spl token mint spl token owner But when using ...
user29125's user avatar
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What does it mean for a Solana program to not be associated with a ProgramData Address?

From the Solana docs on Program Accounts, when a new program is deployed, a Program Account and an associated Program Executable Data Account is created and the Program Account stores the address of ...
RotatingBlocks's user avatar
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Can I burn SPL Tokens that are sent from a user to a Solana Program?

I am trying to write a simple anchor program that will burn the SPL tokens that the user sends to my anchor program. I followed the guide below on QuickNode to build a new program that allows minting. ...
Robert Grospitch's user avatar
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Non transferable spl token mint without extensions

Is it possible to create non transferable spl token using old token standard? I guess that would be without usage of token extensions. (TOKEN_PROGRAM_ID)
matepal's user avatar
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Swap transection is successful and fee deducted but no swap happend

I am trying to build a node js app that take my solana wallet address which have SOL and USD-Coins and make swap. I want to convert USDC from my wallet to SOL or convert SOL to USD-Coins. the ...
umair mehmood's user avatar
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How to handle both SPLs and native SOL token in my contract?

Hi I was working on making a contract that should support both SOL and SPL tokens. Is there a recommended way to manage SOL and SPL token altogether? It looks like we need to wrap SOL to make it work. ...
MarcoPoloCoco's user avatar
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Can I simulateTransaction with arbitrary token balance amounts?

Is it prossible to pretent having infinite arbitrary token balances during simulateTransaction so that I could go through tests for swaps?
notgeek's user avatar
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How would you go about cloning smart contracts?

I want to make a clone, how would I go about rewriting the smart contracts that uses, ie the token minting, bonding curve, adding and removing liquidity etc. How would I go about ...
Kelsey Wu's user avatar
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Ideal way to listen to SPL token transfer?

The solana cookbook subscribe to events snippet gives only sol balance at best, So, i have used a signature using public key, and ...
LaughingElephant's user avatar
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Spl Tokens deployed with Token 2022 program giving error during ATA creation with Solana/Web3.js

When i try to use methods like createAssociatedTokenAccount, getAssociatedTokenAddress i get error as "incorrect program id for instruction". The token address used her was my spl tokens ...
LaughingElephant's user avatar
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Solana program failing "An account required by the instruction is missing"

I wanted user to transfer some spl token to contract then i want do distribute it later, i have wrote one contract with help of GPT when I try to interact with that contract it throws error im not ...
master cartoon's user avatar
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SPL token deploy from scratch

SPL token repo I want to deploy a SPL token from original repo, are there any deployment guide for this? Thanks.
ThanhTX's user avatar
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Understanding uses of on-curve token accounts

I'm trying to understand the specific differences between token account creation methods, and the differing implementation details between apps. Specifically, why a token account in a transaction ...
Joey Meere's user avatar
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error while executing create token account instruction

const sleeperAccountInstruction = await program.methods .createNewSleeper("test") .accountsPartial({ payer: account, mint: mintPDA, sleeperAccount: sleeperPDA, ...
Hiderr Kamado's user avatar
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Really slow solana rpc?

So I'm working with the "wormhole-ts-sdk", Wormhole's portal SDK, to bridge tokens between Solana and EVM chains, and my app needs this to work well. However, lately, I've been trying ...
germor197's user avatar
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error: could not compile `spl-type-length-value` (lib) due to 10 previous errors

I'm having some problems when building. I hope you can help. Thank you so much Dependencies [package] name = "test" version = "0.1.0" description = "Created with Anchor" ...
Hiderr Kamado's user avatar
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facing a "Create Account: account Address already in use" when running TokenSwap.createTokenSwap method

Hi I am facing a "Create Account: account Address { address: xxx, base: None } already in use" when running TokenSwap.createTokenSwap method which is associated to package @solana/spl-token-...
user3655574's user avatar
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Can we add a total cap to a spl token created with solana CLI?

I am creating a spl token using solana CLI as per the following documentation, this already include the burn functionality by ...
LaughingElephant's user avatar
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How to mint token after close mint in Token extension program

I'm a beginner, and I'm learning the close mint part of the token extension program. I want to understand how to mint an amount of tokens then close mint (not allowed to mint any more tokens) Thank ...
Hiderr Kamado's user avatar
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Is their any API to fetch tranding meme tokens of solana?

I want to fetch all the meme tokens listed on solana network sorted according to the top tranding token first.
Alpha Algorithm's user avatar
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SPL22 to SPL token migration

Good day everyone, We created a token on SPL22. Is there a way to migrate it to normal SPL ?
edko777's user avatar
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Why can solana explorer find my token, but solscan can't?

Here you can see it: And here you can't:
G Marangoni's user avatar
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facing WalletSendTransactionError: Unexpected error

**this is the error i am facing while creating the token ** WalletSendTransactionError: Unexpected error at StandardWalletAdapter.sendTransaction (adapter.js:224:23) at async Object.eval [as ...
HARSH's user avatar
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Anchor: How to validate Token Program in Account structs?

In my account struct: #[derive(Accounts)] pub struct WithdrawToken<'info> { #[account(mut, token::mint = mint, token::authority = signer, token::token_program = token_program)] pub ...
Russo's user avatar
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Why is token_program needed when initiating an associated token account?

In the code below if I don't have token_program defined, I get compile time error. However, I am only initializing the ATA but not minting, transferring, approving, or burning the token mint which is ...
WowBow's user avatar
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Can you derive the program owner of a SPL token?

Is there any way to derive the program owner of a token locally without having to use the GetAccountInfo call for example. Such that if I input a token address, it will return whether it is apart of ...
sashavsthewrld's user avatar
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How to get program account of a token without knowing its program id?

I want to fetch a token's program account but I don't know the program id. I only have the token mint address. Is it possible to get it? Thanks in advance. Here is an example. It fetches the program ...
s.khan's user avatar
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How to update the Metadata for Tokenkeg, the original Solana token standard

Is it possible to update the token metadata for the Tokenkeg program? How to do it using Javascript?
Sal Samani's user avatar
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How do I to update the name and logo of my SPL token?

I am new to solana programming and I just minted some tokens. I would like to update the name and logo. Can someone help with the next steps? Where do we store the metadata? Thanks in advance.
Tico Salamanca's user avatar
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Is there any API in Raydium to get the price to token pair?

How can I use the Raydium API to get on chain prices of tokens?
user23684's user avatar
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Following the Token Extension Program, How do I add a burn function to my token

I followed the youtube torutrial from the solana yt channel(, but they don't include how to add the burn function and when I go to the website they don't ...
Change Gold's user avatar
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What is the best way to get the latest transactions for an SPL token, and how can I calculate the price impact of those transactions?

I am working on monitoring the transactions over many SPL tokens. Currently I've setup a webhook from Helius and getting SWAP transactions of the token but I'm unable to figure out how can I calculate ...
ZORO013's user avatar
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When I try to add metadata to my spl token on my Mainnet coin

For some reason when I try adding metadata to my spl token it never works, I’m using the program id TokenzQdBNbLqP5VEhdkAS6EPFLC1PHnBqCXEpPxuEb and when I try to add metadata using my mint address it ...
Destel's user avatar
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Error processing Instruction 0: custom program error: 0x26

----> TX ├─ Signatures[len=1] │ └─ 4UJPHEtrmksnNrX2DemwZHkyPDsYwtNgLvezzymzULjbuRB6QSEnFwig46rTD3j3kBUw1jFnaRRVi9FTUBG1UWiP ├─ Message │ ├─ Version: legacy │ ├─ RecentBlockhash: ...
Vigelante's user avatar
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TokenMetadata not an export? ...just following the code in docs

I am following the Solana docs: "Example: Create a mint with metadata" using Javascript. Why does an error say that "TokenMetadata" is not an export"? It also said that this ...
Virginia B Robertson's user avatar
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Token logo missed on phantom wallet

our cto token logo disappeared on phantom wallet could you help with this problem? CA : 4h8LjZWUfUQVgbEZ29UzTuGXNW6rwrJis78ZU66ekkPV
bitsagee's user avatar
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What is the best way to get all token holders and their balances by mint address?

There is a way to get token accounts by mint address using But unfortunately it only returns token accounts without balances,...
NoodleX's user avatar
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Adding Set Authority Feature To SPL Token Creator

Recently our team completed a token launcher platform for EVM tokens, now we want to create a another platform for creating SPL tokens. I'm not very familiar with Solana, but I've found some starting ...
DeFiDevJimmy's user avatar
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Blocking specific token program's TXs

As a validator, how do you block a specific token program's txs?
Candas Ozgenc's user avatar
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when i am creating 'create-extra-metas' using cli i am getting 'invalid program argument' Error

../../target/debug/spl-transfer-hook create-extra-metas HooGStFZgkeZ5wCSg9vHtuEYBSotB26tVEvXra4PEKYJ MoxLrhGXAjVnEiVAjG5ycQbp9MVd4sjfj1yLPFVXhkh error: send transaction: error: send transaction: RPC ...
Mohammad Abuzar's user avatar
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How do I create customized Solana SPL or SPL 2022 contracts with these specific security functions

How do I create customized Solana SPL or SPL 2022 contracts with these specific security functions? ''The function I wanted in this contract is that only the developer's wallet can apply the token's ...
Mateus MK2's user avatar
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GetTransaction API Data

GM, I'm currently building a python script to pull back fees being paid by bots prespamming token launches. As additional functionality to this bot, I want to know how much Sol they are planning to ...
wolfofwolves's user avatar
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Why we cannot enable transferfee config or enable metadata after minting on token 2022?

We were trying to enable transfer fee config after minting a token22 token using realloc instruction, but it was not working! We then tried to enable the transferfee config on minting and later tried ...
Renjith Thankachan's user avatar
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Decoding an instruction for a token on the spl token program

Hello you may have seen my last post, Error : TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'equals') This is a follow up to that post. I decided to experiment more with ...
Golden's user avatar
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Observing a contract's behavior and withdrawing tokens from it

I recently encountered an error while trying to withdraw stSOL from the Tulip Protocol's "Lending" section: Program Error: "Instruction #3 Failed - null" At first, I thought it ...
Max Pasmanik's user avatar
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use anchor_lang::prelude::*; use anchor_spl::token::{Mint, Token, TokenAccount, Transfer}; declare_id!("5L3ky71YgB1rRMbJMxw9iH2vw9A59wZ2krWW7vdwfn61"); #[program] pub mod hodl_token_lock { ...
tushar mahajan's user avatar