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Really slow solana rpc?

So I'm working with the "wormhole-ts-sdk", Wormhole's portal SDK, to bridge tokens between Solana and EVM chains, and my app needs this to work well. However, lately, I've been trying ...
germor197's user avatar
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what should be value of tokenswapStateAccount when trying to swap

I am using node js @solana/web3 and @solana/spl-token and spl-token-swap libraries to perform a swap of token. I am confused with what should be the value of tokenSwapStateAccount and where would I ...
Prashant Singh's user avatar
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Fetch trending solana tokens without 3rd party API

GM Buildooors! What's the optimal approach to fetching on-chain data about trending SPL tokens like we have on platforms like Dextools, Birdeye, Step Finance etc.? Preferably without the help of 3rd ...
Abdullah Aftab's user avatar
2 votes
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JSON RPC get all SPL token holders during specific time

I am trying to get all the holders of a specific SPL token during a specific time. I get the Error: {'code': -32010, 'message': 'TokenkegQfeZyiNwAJbNbGKPFXCWuBvf9Ss623VQ5DA excluded from account ...
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