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4 votes

how does solana communicate with Arweave ? how does solana pay its fee to ar?

Solana doesn't have any tie to Arweave. Many users optionally upload files to Arweave that are used for Solana NFTs. Metaplex NFTs (the standard for Solana NFTs) allow users to post an external URI to ...
AMilz's user avatar
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Is it a good idea to add a "passphrase" as part of a PDA seed to store data encrypted on-chain?

I don't think it's a good idea to have any function to the passphrase other than to encrypt the data. The program bytecode is public, and the raw transaction input is public. If that passphrase is ...
Barebox's user avatar
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how many Accounts i can create & how much max data that each Account can store in Anchor PDA program?

The maximum size of any account is 10 megabytes. Each account address on your Solana program will take 32 bytes for the address. You can make as many as your solana program can handle. You can study ...
Abdullah Qureshi's user avatar
3 votes

What is the cost to store 1kB, 10kB, 100kB worth of data into the Solana blockchain?

You can use this solana CLI command: solana rent bytes Here are some numbers for your storage:
Concise Labs's user avatar
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Efficiently fetching a DApp's data

A solution here could be using webhooks from a provider like Helius, and streaming events from a given program to an off-chain DB. This once again isn't perfect, but gives good guarantees of ...
Joey Meere's user avatar
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rent handling in storage

Collecting rent will be removed. As of now to my knowledge there are no accounts anymore that are not rent exempt. When an account is rent exempt there is no rent collection anymore. This will enable ...
Jonas H.'s user avatar
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How can I link my BTC or ETH address with my Solana address? Is there a way to store account properties in plain text?

I've never tried it myself, but you can verify BTC and ETH signatures on Solana using this: You could create a program ...
HelmetFace's user avatar
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