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Unanswered Questions

322 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
4 votes
1 answer

how to create market id in devnet with js

I was learning solana evm on devnet and I started to code a token with @solana/spl-token library and then I tried to add a liquidity to radiyum and then it asked for openbook market id , I want to ...
3 votes
0 answers

How to implement a wallet button using web3.js v2

I have been using sveltekit + @solana/wallet-adapter-base, @solana/wallet-adapter-phantom to build my solana frontend dapp, this is not good because they depends on web3.js v1 which depends on bs58 ...
3 votes
4 answers

Where to find ammConfig address?

I'm currently experimenting with AAM Pools from Raydium. Some actions require a ammConfigId. Does someone know where I can find or fetch this address?
3 votes
0 answers

How to freeze a Solana token using @solana/web3.js

I have minted a token following this guide: I have also set my own public key to be ...
2 votes
0 answers

Blockhash not found

I'm currently using grpc to subscribe to blockhash. but I'm finding that I'm using grpc to subscribe to the latest blockhash for transactions and he's not able to complete them.
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0 answers

Web.2 vs. Web.3 Solana Gas Stations - which are people building?

I'm developing an application that requires a gas station to pay user's gas fees. I'm new to Solana, and unclear on whether it's best practice to implement the solution as a Solana program or a ...
2 votes
0 answers

"TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'toBase58') when performing chained swap on Solana"

I am working on an arbitrage bot on the Solana blockchain that performs chained swaps using the Jupiter API. I aim to swap from SOL to an intermediate token and then back to SOL in a single ...
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0 answers

How can I decode the data for an event emitted by an inner instruction?

For this transaction for example - how can I decode the data in the buy function? I have the IDL. I've tried creating a struct and converting the data to an Uint8 Array and then decoding but I'm ...
2 votes
0 answers

How to simulate transaction at specific slot

Given a connection and a VersionedTransaction I can simulate the tx using web3js like so: await connection.simulateTransaction(tx, config) here config is of type SimulateTransactionConfig: type ...
2 votes
1 answer

Help, how to create spl token metadata without using umi?

Because when i deploy with UMI, i got this message from phantom wallet: Email from blowfish: If you want this warning to be immediately resolved, change your dApp to use the signAndSendTransaction ...
2 votes
0 answers

Typescript files not running due to strict mode

here is the code mkdir generate-keypair cd generate-keypair npm init -y npm install typescript @solana/web3.js esrun @solana-developers/helpers and make a new file called generate-keypair.ts import {...
2 votes
0 answers

How to decode Transaction to just get program id called in web3.js experimental

I want to get programId called in a Transaction with the new experimental web3.js. Legacy const swapTransactionBuf = Buffer.from('serializedTransaction....', "base64"); const transaction = ...
2 votes
0 answers

How to listen for raydium and other pools live transactions in solana

i want to listen to transactions from pools like raydium or orca and get buy or sell amounts and holder address but im confused about the limitation of the rpc , i don't want to use paid rpc even if ...
2 votes
0 answers

Restrict access by public key with wallet adapter

I'm trying to figure out how to restrict which public keys can log in with the wallet adapter. Can someone point me in the right direction please? Ultimately what I'm looking for is something like ...
2 votes
0 answers

connection.requestAirdrop fail: StructError

I am running a hello world demo of Solana. However, I'm facing a problem. This is my code: import { Keypair, Connection, PublicKey, LAMPORTS_PER_SOL, TransactionInstruction, ...

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