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Talles Hentges's user avatar
Talles Hentges's user avatar
Talles Hentges
  • Member for 3 months
  • Last seen this week
  • Curitiba, PR - Brazil


Deep rich self knowledge. Highly intuitive with a preemptive mindset. Acutely perceptive, especially of others' thoughts, feelings and needs. Very advanced social skills, natural leadership. Vast emotional behavior repertoire, extremely resilient. Strong assertive presence. Excellent in building relationships, group work and goal oriented team management. Unusually fast learning curve. Creative. Proactive. Global strategic vision. Excellent academic performance. Objective reasoning focused on practical solutions. Ordered long-term thinking, priority and goal oriented. Inquisitive. Determined. Meticulous. Widespread interests. Deeply passionate about finding the best/simplest solutions to the most complex problems. Constantly seeking challenge.


Portuguese = Mother language
English = Native like
Spanish = Excellent fluency
Japanese = Fluent conversational
Mandarim = basic


OS: advanced, started playing with MS-DOS in 1993, then Windows, the Internet in 1995, and Linux after 2000’s Good system analysis, focused on minimal implementations, elegance, efficiency, reusability and maintainability

Javascript ES6: advanced

developing React Native since 2016, very comfortable with complex state management (Redux), component life cycles, functional components, hierarchy, binding/execution scope, complex navigation flows, flexbox, network requests, fat arrow functions, eslint, debugging, etc.

developing Node since early 2018, comfortable with async/await, WebSockets, Express, JWT authentication, different databases (Postgres, MySQL, Mongo, Neo4j), fetch, fs, cors, busboy for multipart data streams, ffmpeg for media manipulation, pdf generation, googleapis, nodemailer, onesignal, etc.

developing React since early this year, using material-ui and all the RN background, with occasional use of Hooks, Local Storage and other goodies, I find it more straightforward than RN

participated in an Angular project this year and was able to grasp/utilize its general (imho convoluted) concepts of modules, components, declarations, services, @Inputs, @Outputs, @ViewChilds and etc.

Html: medium level, using it since the 2000’s, CSS, window, document, tables, a little jQuery Python: basic level, played with Tensorflow model training and optimization for running on mobile on 2017/18 Java: basic level, some tweaking with an Android native project C: basic level, easily attained perfect grades in college Others: comfortable with git, can do gradle, xcode, unit tests, mess with apache, nginx, crypto, dns, kubernetes, docker, redis, nats streaming server, ingress, etc.

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