I've been looking for examples of people using @solana/spl-token in the browser by bundling it with browserify or rollup or webpack but haven't been able to get any of them to work. I'm not convinced I need @solana/spl-token library but when I try to create a transfer instruction myself (using the web3.js package) it gets rejected.
/* setup connection, connect to phantom wallet, set up the variables for wallet keypairs and the mint address ... can assure you there is no issue with any of this
// ...
// ...
empty_transaction.feePayer = window.solana.publicKey;
const instruction = new solanaWeb3.TransactionInstruction({
keys: [
{ pubkey: source, isSigner: false, isWritable: true }, // Source account
{ pubkey: destination, isSigner: false, isWritable: true }, // Destination account
{ pubkey: owner, isSigner: true, isWritable: true },
programId: token_program_id,
data: new Uint8Array([3, 255, 255, 255, 255, 0, 0, 0, 0]),
// add the instruction
const blockhashInfo = await clusterConnection.getRecentBlockhash();
const recentBlockhash = blockhashInfo.blockhash;
empty_transaction.recentBlockhash = recentBlockhash;
await empty_transaction.partialSign(signingKeypair);
console.log("everything up until here works, sendAndConfirmTransaction throws an error")
await solanaWeb3.sendAndConfirmTransaction(clusterConnection, empty_transaction, [signingKeypair]);
So I'm asking for anyone with a working example of executing a transfer of spl tokens client side, I don't care how it's done whether you use web3 and build the instruction or spl-token and let the library handle everything, as long as it works. All the recommendations to browserify do not work, if you've been able to browserify spl-token please tell me how you did it. I'm pulling my hair out.