When I execute the command cargo build-bpf, I encounter an error. How can I resolve this issue?

error: package `libp2p-allow-block-list v0.3.0 (https://github.com/sigp/rust-libp2p/?rev=cfa3275ca17e502799ed56e555b6c0611752e369#cfa3275c)` cannot be built because it requires rustc 1.73.0 or newer, while the currently active rustc version is 1.72.0-dev Either upgrade to rustc 1.73.0 or newer, or use cargo update -p [email protected] --precise ver where `ver` is the latest version of `libp2p-allow-block-list` supporting rustc 1.72.0-dev

rustc: 1.76.0
rustup: 1.26.0

2 Answers 2


Similar to https://solana.stackexchange.com/a/9799/84: if you need to use a newer version of the Solana Rust compiler, you can use the --tools-version argument. In your case, you can try:

cargo build-sbf --tools-version v1.41

This solution Solves Everything!:

Type these in the terminal:

solana-install init 1.18.18(or latest version/version/version you’re using, mine worked with 1.18.18)

cargo add solana-program@=1.18.18

cargo update -p [email protected]

Cargo clean

Anchor clean

Anchor build

This works because using the Solana init command above FIRST makes sure that the build tools are properly initialized.

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