I'm trying to run anchor build on a workspace and receiving errors about a supposedly unmatchable version requirement for the crate "time", even though matching versions exist locally:


As far as I understand semantic versioning rules, all the candidate versions listed should actually meet the requirement. Am I wrong here or is something else going on?

Here's the Cargo.toml:

enter image description here

Building with cargo build works fine somehow.

  • OS: Ubuntu v20.04 on WSL
  • Anchor (avm): v0.25.0
  • Anchor CLI: v0.24.2
  • Solana CLI: v1.10.40

Steps I already tried to fix this include:

  • Deleting the cargo cache
  • Deleting the entire cargo registry
  • Updating my solana and anchor distributions to the newest version

1 Answer 1


Likely a bug due to the solana version: updating to 1.14 or later should fix it.

Somewhere around 1.11 there was an update to the way cargo-bpf is called, and cargo build-bpf is no longer the normal build toolpath.

When this is the issue, cargo build will work, but anchor build will not.

Note also that solana-install update can fail sometimes for major version updates, and you may just have reinstall with sh -c "$(curl -sSfL https://release.solana.com/v1.14.10/install)" (replace 1.14.10 with whatever is latest)


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