How to filter most recently created pdas of a program, How should date be store in pda data so that we can directly filter based on the data stored in pda. For ex. filtering all pda of a program created in last 2 days.

Fetching all pda and then filter out is too heavy operation, as number of pda increases. so want to directly fetch pda based on the data stored in them.

2 Answers 2


There may be better solutions through different RPC providers, but using the default Solana RPC, there's no way to create a "greater than" or "less than" filter, just exact memory comparison. So your options are:

  • call getProgramAccounts with a memcmp filter on every possible timestamp
  • call getProgramAccounts and filter on the client side

There is no technically way to achieve this. One clunky way would be to save some non-precise timestamp (like ddmmyyyy) in the PDA (wasting space for sure), and then u can query that with memcmp for the last X days that you wish to have.

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