I can't import Anchor into my freshly create React web app template. Why is this happening? These are my steps to replicate below. I think somebody else was having an issue with this as well here

  1. Create a new project npx create-react-app test

  2. Enter project directory and install Anchor npm install @coral-xyz/anchor (^0.30.0)

  3. Add a line to App.js to import Anchor import * as anchor from "@coral-xyz/anchor"

  4. Run the project npm run start

  5. Open http://localhost:3000 in Safari browser

  6. Observe error in the browser : The superclass is not a constructor.

The error I see in the browser

1 Answer 1


you can see a working example with version 0.30.0 here: https://github.com/ASCorreia/anchor-fundraiser

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