Trying to create an NFT collection using metaplex and have been getting stuck with this error while trying to interact with the program using a nextjs client.
Here is the repo
I have seen that this error is usually related to testnet not having metaplex programs available but im testing using devnet so im a little confused.
Wondering if it has something to do with the program call here?
I have two programs that are very similar mint-nft which uses token-2022 and also mint-nft-standard which does not. Both are returning the same error. I created the standard as I was thinking it could be related to my token 2022 implementation in both theses programs &
full error
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"error": {
"code": -32002,
"message": "Transaction simulation failed: Attempt to load a program that does not exist",
"data": {
"accounts": null,
"err": "ProgramAccountNotFound",
"innerInstructions": null,
"logs": [],
"replacementBlockhash": null,
"returnData": null,
"unitsConsumed": 0
"id": "a00cf2f3-e149-4f25-b632-61a2604bdfe6"