Hi I am creating a split bill and pay smart contract. I have written a small piece of code to begin with here it is:
use anchor_lang::prelude::*;
pub mod split_bill {
use super::*;
pub fn initialize_split(ctx: Context<InitializeSplit>, name: String, total_amount: u64,) -> Result<()> {
let split_bill = &mut ctx.accounts.bill;
split_bill.authority = ctx.accounts.initializer.key();
split_bill.bill_name = name;
split_bill.total_amount = total_amount;
split_bill.contributors = Vec::new();
pub struct SplitBill {
pub authority: Pubkey,
pub bill_name: String,
pub total_amount: u64,
#[max_len(10, 40)]
pub contributors: Vec<Contributor>,
#[derive(AnchorSerialize, AnchorDeserialize, Clone, InitSpace)]
pub struct Contributor{
pub address: Pubkey,
pub amount: u64,
#[instruction(authority:Pubkey, bill_name: String)]
pub struct InitializeSplit<'info> {
pub initializer: Signer<'info>,
space = 8 + SplitBill::INIT_SPACE,
payer = initializer,
seeds = [authority.key().as_ref(), bill_name.as_ref(), ],
pub bill: Account<'info, SplitBill>,
/// CHECK: This account is not loaded in this instruction and serves only as a destination for the final transfer.
pub receiver: AccountInfo<'info>,
pub system_program: Program<'info, System>,
I wrote a test script to test it:
import * as anchor from "@coral-xyz/anchor";
import { Program } from "@coral-xyz/anchor";
import { SplitBill } from "../target/types/split_bill";
import { startAnchor } from "solana-bankrun";
import { BankrunProvider } from "anchor-bankrun";
import {PublicKey} from '@solana/web3.js';
import { expect } from "chai";
const IDL = require("../target/idl/split_bill.json");
const programId = new PublicKey("BpvN4cCL5RxjxQk2ikVbXAA2bskMZgH4eveiy41Wg3FV");
describe("split-bill", () => {
let context;
let provider;
let program: Program<SplitBill>;
before(async () => {
context = await startAnchor("", [{name:"split_bill", programId: programId}], []);
provider = new BankrunProvider(context);
program = new Program<SplitBill>(IDL, provider);
it("Initialize a split bill", async () => {
console.log("initialize split");
const [splitBillAddress] = await PublicKey.findProgramAddressSync(
[provider.wallet.publicKey.toBuffer(), Buffer.from("test"), ],
console.log("splitBillAddress", splitBillAddress.toBase58());
const tx = await program.methods.initializeSplit("test", new anchor.BN(1000)).accountsPartial({
bill: splitBillAddress,
receiver: provider.wallet.publicKey,
console.log("initialize split done");
And I am getting this error:
1) split-bill
Initialize a split bill:
Error: AnchorError occurred. Error Code: InstructionDidNotDeserialize. Error Number: 102. Error Message: The program could not deserialize the given instruction.
at Function.parse (node_modules/@coral-xyz/anchor/src/error.ts:136:14)
at translateError (node_modules/@coral-xyz/anchor/src/error.ts:277:35)
at MethodsBuilder.rpc [as _rpcFn] (node_modules/@coral-xyz/anchor/src/program/namespace/rpc.ts:35:29)
Please Help Thanks.