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when trying to sell a token im holding im getting this error, execution reverted: "TransferHelper: TRANSFER_FROM_FAILED" (action="estimateGas",

im new to the bullx platform and im running into this error when trying to sell. execution reverted: "TransferHelper: TRANSFER_FROM_FAILED" (action="estimateGas",. what does this ...
bear skoos's user avatar
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Getting Block Height Exceed Errors when try to mint NFT using metaplex

I am trying to mint NFTs using metaplex, but I am getting errors - "Block height exceeded". I tried to add priority fee to tx, but at metaplex functions I cannot find that option. How to ...
John Smith's user avatar
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Run rpc node connection timed out Unable to determine the validator's public IP address

I'm trying to setting up a rpc node for Solana on a rented Hetzner Server. I have followed the official documentation's guide here. I have modified ...
Cdfertolo's user avatar
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How to resolve error code":-32010,"message":"2UR.... excluded from account secondary indexes; this RPC method unavailable for key

I have set up a Solana full node with a configuration of 1TB memory for eypc 64 core. At the same time, I also opened the account index program id spl token mint spl token owner But when using ...
user29125's user avatar
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Error "Reached maximum depth for account resolution" when the length the String parameter is too long. When its short it works fine

Im writing a test function to check if a String passed is too long and if so it throws my custom error "NameTooLong". Everything works as expected on smaller/medium strings. However ...
yeahdixon's user avatar
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error in anchor test

Found a 'test' script in the Anchor.toml. Running it as a test suite! Running test suite: "/home/emperor/solana-txn-mod1/hello-solana/Anchor.toml" Usage Error: The nearest package directory (...
Gideon's user avatar
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Conversion to transfer

Why is it that after I exchange my meme tokens for sol, the sol is always sent to some other address that doesn't belong to me? My address has become a forwarding address.
Ismail ROY's user avatar
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Ledger stax & solana cli [Error: no device found]

I am using Ledger Nano X and everything works fine with the CLI tool. However, I have purchased a new Ledger Stax and the Solana CLI does not support it. When trying to execute solana-keygen pubkey ...
Moddix's user avatar
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How do I determine the cause of an "Unknown instruction error"?

I don't know why i cannot move my grass token from Phantom to ByBit wallet, when i do it show me this problem: Program Error: "Instruction #4 Failed - Unknown instruction error" It is not ...
Kiệt Lưu Tuấn's user avatar
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Error: AnchorError occurred. Error Code: InstructionDidNotDeserialize. Error Number: 102. The program could not deserialize the given instruction

Hi I am creating a split bill and pay smart contract. I have written a small piece of code to begin with here it is: use anchor_lang::prelude::*; declare_id!("...
0xkinley's user avatar
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Anchor tests failing

I just finished following along with Project 3, which includes actions and blinks to the peanut butter voting project. At the very end, we had to anchor clean and anchor test to have it clear its ...
Harsh Jha's user avatar
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Anchor build dependency issue

anchor build error: not a directory: '/home/emperor/.local/share/solana/install/releases/1.18.18/solana-release/bin/sdk/sbf/dependencies/platform-tools/rust/lib' I have tried to install the latest ...
Gideon's user avatar
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Error while testing code

Here is my solana todolist program #![allow(clippy::result_large_err)] use anchor_lang::prelude::*; declare_id!("6u7Wzgps8X8Qjd5AaqaF5mpKdfZzSfNt2MaPjATf2Z6Y"); #[program] pub mod ...
0xkinley's user avatar
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Anchor tests failing and not giving logs

I just finished following along project 3 where we include actions and blinks to the peanut butter voting project. At the very end, we had to anchor clean and anchor test to have it clear its cache ...
beeksforgeeks's user avatar
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Message: Invalid params: unknown variant `single`, expected one of `processed`, `confirmed`, `finalized

I'm totally new to solana so I'm following the 2023 bootcamp. Episode 1 has a repo you follow with the devrel, which starts with quest 1. He runs it fine in the video but I've encountered several ...
beeksforgeeks's user avatar
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Charts intervals on all PERPS revert back to 15min. No matter what

I'm getting this bug while trading today and its really limiting activity today. I will select the 1 minute interval on the PERP market charts, and as soon as i do, the interval reverts back to 15min ...
user26212's user avatar
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Money stuck, wallet wont sign tx or allow me to get keys

I just opened a new wallet using phantom. Depositing some money to buy a coin, went on raydium, error. tried on jup, error. when i realized it wasnt allowing any transactions to go through citing &...
kkc's user avatar
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avm install latest fails

Using Windows 11, I get this error when trying to use avm install latest error[E0282]: type annotations needed for `Box<_>` --> C:\Users\username\.cargo\registry\src\
ahm's user avatar
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Bitcoin transfer error

I sent BTC to website for purchase and I switched to calculate transfer in USD which was $150 and withdraw show. .000281 Sats but it withdrew .08 so like $5,300 USD and shows the remainder going back ...
Jackpot Jim JackpotJim's user avatar
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Raydium Swap InvalidInstructionData

I am getting InvalidInstructionData error when trying to execute a raydium SwapBaseIn Instruction. I am using GoLang to construct the swap transaction. I am getting all the parameters from an other ...
RiadZX's user avatar
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How do I fix this error? PLEASE HELP ME

[2024-07-18T18:51:20.140305625Z ERROR solana_metrics::metrics] datapoint: panic program="validator" thread="main" one=1i message="panicked at /var/lib/buildkite-agent/builds/...
zimbzb's user avatar
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i get error ERROR solana_net_utils] Received no response at tcp/8899, check your port configuration: timed out waiting on receive operation

I received this error while starting the validator node, I checked and these ports are not in use. Does anyone know how to fix this error?
Duck dev's user avatar
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Solana Airdrop Devnet issue

I am brand new and am having issues. I have created a file system wallet via CLI, my config is set to devnet and the wallet shows up, my balance is 0. I have requested an airdrop of 1 with the ...
Bellwether Marketing's user avatar
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Missing `convert_endianness` in module `solana_program::alt_bn128::compression::prelude`

I am attempting to utilize altbn254 syscalls with Solana (1.17.14), but cannot compile due to an unresolved import of convert_endianness. This is my cargo.toml [package] name = "program" ...
all_ducks_quack's user avatar
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please how do i fix this error bigint: Failed to load bindings, pure JS will be used (try npm run rebuild?) {"level":"error","message":"Error initializing bot: Non-...
Aderlea's user avatar
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hi i am building a solana sniper bot using typescript in node.js using the ES modules in visual studio code environment. Its not working. its finding it difficult to compile the ts script it is ...
Aderlea's user avatar
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Where can I deploy a Program MVP without having to pay?

We created a project to be deployed but we are stuck with deploying it to the mainnet, like we are unable to fund our wallets with sol and if we want to buy we have to complete EDD, like wth I don't ...
Satoshi's user avatar
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I cant use my sol in my wallet

There’s a smart contract in the wallet to send any funds out of the wallet , I asked a different dev to do it for me because the wallet was compromised , what I can do boys? I cant send my sol it's ...
dad's user avatar
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Can't deploy a smart contract: cli 'solana program show --programs' returns nulls

For those who've been following this, I been dealing with ISSUES trying to make a solana-token ICO widget, basically I finally got around both the, error: package `solana-program v1.18.2` cannot be ...
Keola's user avatar
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pyo3_runtime. PanicException: called 'Result: :unwrap()

I got some error like that sometimes it is work well but sometimes it gets that error I tried try, except code but it doesnt work. note: run with 'RUST_BACKTRACE=1 environment variable to display a ...
Junhwan's user avatar
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failed to load manifest during ‘anchor build’

I used anchor build command. E:\Data\on-going\Solana\share-nft>anchor build [2024-05-17T13:51:20.417937300Z ERROR cargo_build_sbf] Failed to obtain package metadata: cargo metadata exited with an ...
IntelC-H's user avatar
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Block height exceeded - Wormhole - Receiving WETH in Solflare wallet

Sorry if the question has already be submited, but I couldn't find any answer and I'm a bit lost. I can't finalize the transaction to receive WETH from Wormhole ( on my Solflare ...
Alex's user avatar
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Anchor installation stops with error: (signal: 9, SIGKILL: kill) on random crates

Today i tried installing Anchor and it was stopping on random crates with a SIGKILL error 9. I was using this command cargo install --git --tag v0.30.0 anchor-cli --...
Jonas H.'s user avatar
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How to debug error {"code":-32603} on solana

I learned solana via and I tried to pull source code from: (branch: solution-add-comments) and deploy to testnet. After ...
nguyễn hải's user avatar
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Solana CLI how to fix this? Not configured Program ID

PS C:\Users\Keola> spl-token mint 4ZPyP3fGWEoFV7ey32jqwJGCydyK9(censored) 80000000 14fbryUnN5Px4GGg1MMgTKawpyvBXUz(censored) Error: "Account 14fbryUnN5Px4GGg1MMgTKawpyvBXUz(censored) is owned ...
Keola's user avatar
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cant able to buy swap or send to other account - a particular coin

I bought a coin from Dex screener , but i cant able to sell,swap & buy the coin when i am swaping it is showing me a error msg ( this transaction reverted during the simulation . Funds may be lost ...
rohit's user avatar
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Following a Solana token guide and found out later on the info is dated. Not I'm getting an error when I try to check my spl-token accounts

I was following the guide, and used this command "as instructed" PS C:\Users\Keola> solana config set --url --...
Keola's user avatar
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I am trying to write a program in Rust for Solana, but I encounter a problem when using the macro #[entrypoint]

I am trying to write a program in Rust for Solana, but I encounter a problem when using the macro #[entrypoint]. Here is my code: // src/ use solana_program::entrypoint; use solana_program::{ ...
Владимир Магнатов's user avatar
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How can I initialize a second wallet on Anchor tests?

I would like to test that a public key that doesn't own a PDA can't alter its data. I'm doing as follows: Generate a new keypair for user2 (user1 is the pubkey of the local wallet on Anchor's ...
Matheus Baptistella's user avatar
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Can't mint any token 2022? I tried minting 60,000,000 tokens but only 18 million were generated and when I try minting more I get an error

Error: Client(Error { request: Some(SendTransaction), kind: RpcError(RpcResponseError { code: -32002, message: "Transaction simulation failed: Error processing Instruction 0: custom program error:...
Keola's user avatar
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Error When Creating SPL Token Account: Incorrect Program ID for Instruction Body:

I'm new to Solana development and have encountered an issue while trying to create an SPL token account on the devnet using the SPL Token CLI. After creating a new SPL token, I attempted to create a ...
david's user avatar
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Error minting token on Devnet

Noob here, in a bootcamp. Gettin stuck with this error. I have set configuration successfully to Devnet. But then things like requesting Airdrop from Devnet or spl-token create-token are giving me the ...
Lordshrrred's user avatar
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Error processing Instruction 0: custom program error: 0x0

My program is to do an English NFT auction, it uses Anchor, and I'm stuck on the error Error processing Instruction 0: custom program error: 0x0 when I try to send my the transaction to initialize the ...
Mike's user avatar
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Transaction fails when attempting to initialize an auction program using Anchor

I've deployed a program to devnet that lets me create English auctions, and I'm trying to create an auction from my next.js frontend. This is the program I'm using. The process I'm following is ...
Mike's user avatar
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Bypass TransactionExpiredBlockheightExceededError

So, i've been trying to send multiple addresses my token using Javascript (@solana/web3.js and @solana/spl-token). Sadly, the same error occurs multiple times, ...
Ellen's user avatar
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Seed Constraint Program Error For Dynamic Account Creation

I have an instruction where on the client-side, I'm passing down a game_id to the instruction to be used as part of the seed because this instruction will be called a lot when new game instances are ...
Brian M.'s user avatar
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Transcation error

I am unable to send token and unable to unstake and withdraw my Pyth token My SOL has 0.33 SOL but it shows transcation error.
Alan's user avatar
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Program Error: "Instruction #4 Failed"

I sent usdc from binance to backpack wallet and got Program Error: "Instruction #4 Failed"
mykolaiko's user avatar
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My wallet can't send sol to others and can't mint nft

I met a problem my sol address can't send out sol to another wallet but can send it into it, and my address can't mint nft. Really don't know what's with it. Really strange. My address is ...
user9385's user avatar
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getProgramAccounts - error when calling

Good day to all. I encountered this problem. When I call getProgramAccounts I don't get a response but an error. Tell me, maybe I’m doing something wrong? My task is to get a list of tokens - am I ...
Seva's user avatar
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